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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1879)
NO. fl. A DEKENOE QV OATAJ.1NE. 125 J$ i A Cataline (list distinguished himself as a valient Lieutenant in the army of Sulla. Wo arc told that lie indulged in cruelty and debauchery, lie did there no more than the majority of soldiers at that day, who were noted for their base morals. His lot was cast in a time when Rome was murmuring under the conflicts of the various factious, led by men who eyed each other with a bitter jealousy engon dercd during the convulsions in which these had played an active part but twenty years before. The "groat Pompoy" was absent in the East with an army, while Senate and magistrates at home occupied their time in trivial quarrels, indiilerent to the great interest of the Common wealth. "Tho Stnto Is wouk as duct: Homo's brokun, helpless, heartsick! Ignor ance ttltS Above liar, liko n vulture o'er a corpse Soon to bo tasted. Time and dull decay Havo let tho waters 'round her pillars foot And it must full. Her boosted strength's a Khost, Fearful to dastards; yet to tronchant swords, Time at) tho punning air. A single blow In thin diseased and crumbling fume of Komo Would break your chains liko stubble !" Outahnc. Catalinc was an active citizen and held many ofllces, and we have no record but that he fulfilled his qutestorsliip and pne torship properly; but upon his return from tho pro-pnutorship of Africa, in 05 B. C, he was accused of extortion, by one P. Clndius Pulcher, who was himself guilty of nefarious methods of procuring money in Gaul, as well as in Rome, itself. This must have been a mero political move to prevent Cataline from being a candidate for the coming consulship, by casting such a stigma on iiis nnine that the Senate should bo induced to rule him out Although ho was triumphantly ac quitted, it was too late for him to obtain his much coveted position ; while the very men who wore elected to the consulships that year, P. Cornelius Sulla and P. Auton iusPietus, were themselves soon convicted of bribery, and their places filled by Cottu and Torquatus. So it scorns that Pul chcr's attack on Cataline was not so much on the ground of right and justice, as of personal hatred, for his candidates proved themselves as unlit for tho office as he represented Cataline to bo. Pul cher was evidently a vacillating individu al, for soon afterwards lie became a bitter enemy to Cicoro, himself; probably with an object in view. Cataline, however, not disheartened, was again candidate for tho consulship in fl!J B. C, but rumors of a plot against the Republic, in which ho was said to bo in terested, were spread on tho eve of olec tion, and injured his chances, llo had strong support from many friends, for wo read that he was defeated by a very small majority. Catalinc now became thoroughly exas perated, and resolved to overthrow tho domineering rule of Rome; using dospor alo measures if necessary. Had Cataline's broad plans remained undiscovered., had no base traitor whispered tho great secret in his mistress1 ear, had but the first blow been struck,- tho people, dissatisfied with existing state of affairs, would have rallied by thousands around t lie standard of the deliver, and been officered by one of Rome's most noblo citizens. Cicsar would have become dictator, and History would have been pleased to record the triumph as a glorious rebellion, and Cat aline as tho deliverer of his country. As it was, Quinctus Curius either could not or would not pay the sum de manded by Fulvia to keep the matter secret, and so this aristocratic but un scrupulous woman went to Cicoro, and for iiis gold, betrayed the cause. Cicero was thoroughly alarmed, and under tho hypocritical guise of a juitcr patriai, lie sought to save his own life by executing Cataline; and with burning words and thundering speeches to stir up not only the Senate but tho people in his favor. Ho was no longer a more lawyer; lie had become an unscrupulous politician, deep in the rings of Rome Wo all know the