v' f v THE IiATEST. EHALLETT, .. E?; ' ,- ; FRMRENT. f ?.-- TV,- . .' f r - r . - i , s; - W ,. ; 7" ' ' ft-- .tea; Watchmakcr,and Jeweller, '-, : Engraver, and 1 ' -,:.. :'' Deafer In fine ., " t-r.r J., "Watcfceg, DlRmohdn, Sllvortvnrc, Spectacles, &c. "VANITY FAIK SMOKING-. -Ik placing this new Tobacco before the public, wo do not propose to disclose our special claim and Improvements, for the reason that in' every Instance where wo have introduced new articles, it has been the custom of manuracturcsof inferior productions to adopt our precise claims to ob-. tain notoriety, we will, however, make one-, broad assertion, that no tobacco lias over been . produced possessing so many valuable requisites ' ..ThcUnlversitr Bell is rang by ILu.urrr'fl Time. r , .O street, between 30th and 11th. south side. . Y uncoln,; .."'' . . ... nbb: ' . f y v fc j ,j i-... J. ..ITAKIiEY,. DEALER IN Drags and Medicines. 'BOOKS, BTATIONBRT AND YfALL PAPER, , FAJJCY AND TOILET AltTICLES, 't.-' ' ; ' ' - BRUSHES, FINE SOAPS, SPONGES, Ae- Corner O and 11th Streets, Lincoln, Neb. (Customers. vlli flnd our stock complete comprising many article it is Impossible here to enumerateandH eold.at moderate prices. A. -'" V ' .- . . The standard of our world-wide and reliable-brand, VANITY FAIR will ever be maintained, and such improvements added from time to time as are the results of our unremitting efforts to place 'upon -the market a Tobacco which shall meet all the demands of the connoisseur. WM. 8. KIUMAJLI, & CO. Peerless Tobacco Woiiks, Rochester N. Y. "Webster's Dictionary. 10,000 Words and Meaningt not in other Dictionaries. 3000 Eugnwlngs; 1840 pages Quarto. -Price 812. YOXTR I'AGES COEOKEDgSATES. W "TilE BEhT rKACTICALdftStSfil Die TT noNAnr extaxt." XonSen QtKtrUr'.y a. JierUtc, Oct., 1873. ,. jf Th umIcb of ArpWpr'i! TU7llnnJri " T throughout the jfcw?filriift were 0 " times as large aajRie ale oi, any other Dictionaries, r r .t .. . uiie jouuijj; oi cuuaren Having WEB- , HTZll'a UXAHSUItQZD. nd'tlgiiurt fr1i . X X and another iiot'JU'viBf It, tb first will 1 buiuc uuiu tun BJtmi juwiiiigenv incn pi nmui-n. vBKTonrieacneroriniiiS' x x if it is not so, then buy the book and p. unit riTan If nau fro civ Q i Published by . ft " a C. c C XERKAIM,! Springfield L Ka. Q TWiA, 6 s ri JLf ', . r ,