NO. (J. THE AJiUMNI IMillSOXAT.TA. Ml She jfiwwi. W. II. Sucll, '7U, accompanied by his wife, attended Commencement. He is practising law at Fail bury. J. Stuart Dales, '7b, is Secretary of tlio Board of Regents. Ho also serves the City of Lincoln in the capacity of Police Judge. W. M. Stevenson, '74, is ongaged in agricultural pursuits, near Unadilla. lie attended Commencement exercises. U. H. Malick, '74, looks after the health of the dene.ens of Bloomington and vi cinity. Frank P. Kurd, '74, is near Sterling, surrounded by cackling herds and lowing hens and all the other appendages of a first class farm. Clarence W. Uaodcs, '70, who litis been studying law in New York City is expect- eil in Lincoln every day. Miss Alice Frost, '70, has been teach ing during the past year in Beatrice. She is now at home resting from her la bors. II. W. Culbcrtson, '70, is at the head or the agricultural department oftheUnivcr sity. Mr. Culbcrtson has been connected with the University since his graduation. O. K. Howard, '7(1, received the degree of Master of Artb this Commencement. Mr. Howard lias been Aoling-ProlV.ssor of Logic and English Literature, for the last six months, in his Alma Mater. C. E. Brainard, '77, has been engaged in teaching the young ideas &c, since graduating. II. II. Wilson, '78, now at the head of the Seward high school, will spend the summer in Lincoln reading law. A. C. Piatt '78, has also become a stu dent of Blackstone. E. P. Holmes, '78, has been admitted to practice in the District Court. He claims also the title or. T. P. W. P. Rhodes, '78, is in Denver (Jul. regaling his eyes with the spectacle of snow covered peaks, while we gaze fond ly on a dish of ice cream. W'lyland Bailey, '78, is out on a sur vcying expedition, getting tanufid, eating pork, beans and slapjacks. Miss Florance Vaughn, '78, has been in Chicago, visiting friends. Miss Mollio Carter, '78, is at home in Lincoln. $)cr!ioiitlut. McAllister, 77, is studying in W. A Munich, Germany. ' F. M. Lamberlon, '77, is in Missouri. He is employed in a mercantile estal). lisbmeiit there. A. V. Field, '77, is Justice of the Peace in Lincoln. Ho has been admitted to practice in the Supreme Court, ami is en. gaged in his prolession. Will Garber attended Commencement. C. E. Magoon will visit Minnesota this summer with his mother. Miss Judkins will not return next fall. The Junior class loses a live member. Mr. F. B. Hall and his sister Miss Katie G. were in the city during com mencement exercises. G. M. Sturdevant oame up to see his brother receive his diploma and bouquets. George is one of the legal lights or Wa hoo. Cards are out for the wedding of Prof. Harrington Emerson and Miss Florance Brooks. Send the Local's cake to his Summer residence, Humboldt Neb. Frank McCartney and sister and Charlie Walbridge came up from Nebraska City to attend Commencement. All their friends were glad to see them, and hope they will return to the University next term.