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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1879)
NO. 0. LOCAIi NEWS. 1!19 hition was adopted, placing all students having not less than two studies embraced in the college years, under the general jurisdiction or the Faculty, just as thoso regularly admitted to the college courses. The Finance Committee reported a recom mendation for the support or the Univer sity $25,000.00. The Chancellor's snlury not to exceed $2,500, and that of any pro fessor not over $1,800, the college Farm to receive $5,000 ; adopted. The Secretary was instructed to draw certificate for pay of Sce'y $200.00 per annum, and Janitor, $000.00 per annum. Thursday morning some of the Alumni and Seniors started for Alii ford on a pic nicing tour. It began to rain shortly af ter they reached their destination. The rain did not come gently dropping with its ceaseless palter, and all that; but the clouds tipped oer and spilled. We tried to find out how they enjoyed the trip, but it is a matter of some difficulty. Wilson said it was cloudy. A few words in a confidential lone elicited the fact that it rained. While a 5-cent ci , we mean a glass of soda, brought out the admission that it came in torrents. lie didn't care though, ile went out tor lun and was going to have it or bus incss should stand stagnant in Mil ford until he did have it. "But, between you and me," said he, "the other boys were rather blue, but don't hint that I gave 'cm away." Field admitted immediately that it rained but said be got all the fun he wanted out of laughing at the other boys, they were so glum. Morton didn't enjoy it so well as lie would have done if the other boys had kept up their spirits as he did, Piatt and Holmes had bushels of fun. While Wilson was pouting in the house, they got a boy to swim over and get one of bis rubber boots, and they used this as a canal, and established a rapid transit line between their respective lodgings. Sturdevant refused to commit himself. He hadn't the cast iron check to say he had a good time ; and was too conscien tious to use language that would do jus tice to the truth. This is the way the mat ter stands; and wc can't get a verdict un til wc send out to Mil ford, and find whether the natives took them for a party of missionaries or a band of Figi braves. KosolutioiiH Aloi(il by tho 1'alUullmi Society. Whekeas: we have learned with sorrow of the terrible misfortune which has fallen upon our fellow-member and co-worker, Mr. Lawrence Foster, in the loss of his young nnil much esteemed wife, therefore be it Jicsohcd: that, as the hand of brotherly kindness and fraternal regard is most needed in time of distress, this Pal Indian Literary Society does hereby extend words of condolence, and manifest its heartfelt sympathy to Mr. Fosler in this hour of his great grief. And, be it further Jtesolccd: that the Cor. Sec. is instructed to transmit a written copy of these resolu tions to Mr. Fosler, at the earliest mo ment, and another to tho Hespeuian Stu dent. On the evening of the 9lh inst., the Opera House was crowded to its utmost with one of the most intelligent audiences that ever assembled in this city, tho oc casion being the annual exhibition of the Union Society. The programme was not loo long, aid was well carried out. We have not space to give the thought em bodied in the various productions ot the evening, and therefore we can give only a passing mention of each one. "The Music of the Spheres," an essay by Miss Jesiiio Parker, showed that it was not written without considerable reflec tion, and contained some very choice thoughts. Sam Cox's poem was listened to with interest Miss Helen Judkins oration, "Liberty and Equality," was a soul stirring cllort, full of patriotism, and worth the consideration of any true American. The debate, "Should educa lion be made the basis of suffrage?" was sustained pro and eon by N. Z. Snell and J. S. Bridenbaugh. The question is not a new one, yet these gentleman brought