Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1879, Page 136, Image 16
136 KlUTOK'S N0TK8. VOL. VIII, only of our charitable contempt. The editorial upon "Suspected Duties" was strong anil original, ami much above the ArcJinngcVs usual style. An exquisite little gem greeted us in the Student Ltfc for May, entitled, "Helm gang." "Wc could not select a quotation, it was all so beautiful; and space forbids us to copy the whole. The poem is fol lowed by a barbarous oration on "A Na lion's Wealth" Us men. The Senior who could write such productions as that, with all the erroneous antediluvian notions of leaving women out altogether, should be put down with more reference to speed than grace. A racy and spirited account of the society's exhibition and hop occupied almost four columns. The "Note Hook" of the Ariel is the most interesting feature of thai paper. It contains many slight touches upon sub. jects of vital interest to all college stu dents, and has, so far, been conducted in a very just and creditable manner. Wc do not think thai the editorials quite an swer the desired purpose, while the locals are very uninteresting. The Targum was brim full of fun and wit this month. The editors arc evidently pretty jolly, and things in general at Rut gers arc jogging along very comfortably. The articles on the "Study of Words" and the "Elective System in Colleges" were carefully written, though many of the ideas advanced were anything but new. The student who wrote the essay on "What is Poetry," didn't make tilings very explicit, for after wc had read through two columns wc concluded to accept the good old fashioned definition of Noah Webster rather than transfer our allegieuce to any new, strange theories so obscurely expressed. The llobarl Herald had an unique arti. cle on "The Pencil Mightier than the Pen;" the piece throughout was interest, ing no less for its novelty than for its rhet oric. We do not like the habit that the Uni versity Jfiuourian has, of mixing up ad vertisements with locals, or locals with advertisements, lor they are about even. The custom is to be condemned in news papers but in a college magazine it is doubly objectionable. Editor's Qotcs. Though our ituitin are ground slowly, Yol thoy'ro ground exceeding small ; Though wllh patience we nit watting, With exactness wc grind nil. The North Western University has a library of 2.",000 volumes. Phi Uctta Kappa, founded at William and Mary's College in 1775, is the oldest Greek letter society in the country. Out of the D58 colleges in the United States, 185 are conducted on co-educational principles. From the beginning of the next Octo ber term of Oxford University, England, women will i,e able to avail themselves of lectures on all subjects taught to under graduates. The Doctor; "Dr. McCosh was up here, and, on looking around, on the lofty hills, remarked that this would be a grand place to hold the court on the Judgment duy." Senior: "Gad, wouldn't the faculty have to race round to keep the nations off the graves. OI1JU1U1ATION. 1'rotty Jennie came to ino, KurncM, seeking information; "Couciii, darling, will you bI.ow What Is meant bj osculation" What could mortal man no I Do in hucha bltuntion? Father, mother, no one nigh, Liberal iows a great temptation! .Jennie is my coueiu, too; So to phase my young relation Oh! you horrid thing, there! now! 1 referred to occultation. "We just had the awfulest time!" said she, "Wo upset right in the ro.ul and I was all covered up with wraps, ami then Mr. Jones stood on my head." "I should think you would rather have stood on