Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1879, Page 134, Image 14
134 COMMKNOKMKXT. VOL. VII t, ' It, From thu first, she showed a decided prof, croncc for the study of languages; and bent her energies to the classics, till the last year or two of her school liTo when site pursued the French witli much suc cess. Miss Irwin litis always stood at or near the head of her classes in these stud, ics: and lias shown Unit woman is just as capable of receiving the higher education as man. Miss Irwin lias never taUen any prominent part hi society work; hut has always been ready to assist any enter prise of the students by voico and baud. She leaves the University highly respected by evory student, and with their most earnest wish that her future life may be happy, and crowned with the highest suc cess. in. o. v. MOHTOX. Mr. Morton was born in Maine, but has been living in this Stale for suven or eight years. He entered the University at the age of seventeen, in the Fall of '74, and has been in constant attendance since that lime, with the exception of a term or two that he has taught. Mr. Mor ton has much more than ordinary ability for the stud ofliistory, and also acquires the languages with facility. lie began the Classical course, but in his Sopho more year, changed to the Litcrnry course which be has completed with much hon or to himself and credit to the University. Mr. Morton has always been a firm and true friend, and an active momber rf the Palladiau Society. Ho was among its ablest members, and especial ly excelled as a writer. As Editor of the Stitdknt, for the past your, he lias gained much praise, and has shown that he has great reserve power, only needing some lilting occasion to call it out. Mr. Morton ex. pects to teach during the comiu) year, further deponent saitb not. The Stuhknt hopes he may bo as successful in the fit. Hire, as ho has been during his school days. Mil. J. O. 8TU11DKVANT. Mr. Sturdcvant is a Ponnsylvnnitin by birth, but, since he lias been in Ibis State some eight years, he has acquired western ways and western ideas. At present he seoiiis to have an eastern tendency again, at least a strong leaning toward Iowa. Why? 0 don't ask us wo dare not tell. Mr. Sturdcvant entered the preparatory department Of the University in the Fall of '751. Ho has been out one 3 ear since, engaged in teaching. Mr. Sturdcvant s a little above the medium height, well formed, and has rather u fine bearing, lie is pleasant and agreeable, but very outspoken in his opinions His mind is active and philosophical, bis use of lan guage is above tho average; and, as ho is very fond of public sneaking, he has won his greatest reputation as a debater and orator. He has been connected with the Palladiau Society longer than any other person, save one, having joined it during his first term. Mr. Sturdovant has held most of the positions of honor in the So ciety, and, also, on the staff of the Stii ihcnt. He has stood well in his classes during his entire course, succeeding best however in mathematics and philosophy We all join in wishing him the full reali zation of his desires. Mil. 0. N. MTTIiK. Mr. C. N. Little, a graduate, of the Classical course, is one of the most industrious students the University lias ever possessed. Having entered the Insti tution in the preparatory classes, he has served faithfully to the end. The study comprising six years in the University he has accomplished in live; having spent one year teaching, and at the sti.ino time carrying hisstudiesat the University. Mr. Little has been a constant visitor at tho library, and his knowledge of general topicr places him at an advantage over the average student. Mathematics has been his favorite study, and aside from the usual drill in that department be has undergone much additional work in the mathematical field. Mr. Little has ever proved himself an active member of the Union Socioty:nor has the Studknt in its younger days been without his assist-