Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1879, Page 115, Image 19

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NO. .
I in
Hummer Goods, consisting of Clothing,
Hutu, Cups und G !ii Is. Furnishing Goods,
together with liis commodious mid ecu
trill place of business in the Academy of
Music, is a dealer on whom till wauling
anything in his line ought to call. His
Goods arc fashionable, llrst class and
cheap. Don't (nil to give him a cull.
The Palliidlan Society will give its an.
uual exhibition in the University chapel,
on the evening of Juno Uth. The best
musical talent of the city lias been se
cured for the occasion. A cordial invita
tion is extended to the public.
OUATION II. W. Cnldwull.
DtillATii J (ioo. McLuan.
1 li. Koslcr.
ORATION 1). II. Morcor.
POEM I.O. McKoobou.
VALEDICTORY J. O. Sturduvant.
lias not the time nearly arrived when
the American people should come to up.
predate humor from the vular saws
that we hear continually. It affects us
worse than an attack of chills and fever
to have some one, when we remark that
wo walk four miles on an average, answer,
with the complacence which murks the
consciousness of getting oil' a good joke,
that we are mistaken, that we do not
walk on an average, but on sidewalks!
There is the Huso Rail saw which is re
peated an indellnule number of times each
season; when a striker bats several fouls
some depraved wretch, with a fiendish
laugh at his own sharpness, yells " You
must have hud fowl for dinner!" Then
there are the fire miws, and the wedding
saws, the boarding house saws and others
too numerous to mention And the atro
city of most of them is such that our sur
prise that they should be considered liu
morons is only equaled by our surprise
at the frequency with which they are
used by intelligent people. Reform is
the order of the day.
We visited a Sophomore's room the
other day. As wo entered there faced us,
elaborately worked in colored zephyr,
the legend, ''Lead us not into temptation."
A bottle of benzine sat on the table, a
pair of foils hung on the wall, and the
Soph produced a cigarette maker, and,
rolling ui) a cigarette, had the impudence
to oiler it to us; of course wo decliecd
witli considerable indignation. Still we
retained our composure tolerably until
lie produced a pack of cards, and pro
posed to play euchre for the beer. This
was too much for us; uttering a shriek
like a wild unearthly wail of a six months
shout under a rail fence, und pointing
our finger at the legend on the wall, like
a spirit from the realms of the dead, we
vanished; while the scornful laugh of
the depraved Soph floated to our ears
like the sonorous music of the hoarse
mule upon the cold still air of un Autumue
J. (J. F. McKesson is not in school
this term.
Miss Carrie Palmer, wo are sorry to
learn, is on the sick list.
Miss Elma Ilawley is slowly recover
ing from a very severe illness.
C. E. Mngoon, urged by the pressure
of business outside, is not uttondingschool
th is term.
Mr. J. L. Nichols left for the East, a
few days since. We hope ho may, at
some time, conclude to return and make
a permanent home among us.
Rion II. Culver dropped in on us the
other day looking healthy and in good
spirits. Rehire we had time to ask him
where he hud been, or where ho was go.
ing, he vanished.