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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1879)
HESPERIAN STUDENT. EDITORS. Editoks-in-ciiief, - - F. 0. Mouton Jb (J. E. Stkatton. Associate Editok, Miss May H. Faikfiuxd. Local Editoh, Sam 1). Cox. Husinkss Manauek, E. P. Unangst. i :ll TEUMS OF SUHSCIUl'TION. KATES OK ADVERTISING. 1 copy per college year - - $1.00. 1 column one insertion - - $l'0fl. 1 " six months .... 0.50. 2 squares " " 1.00. Single copy 0.15. 1 " " " .50. Tlic Student($1.00)iuhI Literary Arotaf($1.00)lo new subscribers 1.35, in advance. All articles for publication should be addressed Editor Hkhpkhian Studknt, State University. Lincoln, Nebraska. All subscriptions, and business communications, with the address, should be sent to E. P. UN ANGST Subscriptions collected Invariably in ndvanco. Advertisements collected monthly. SEMI-VALE. Tlic editorial connection of the under signed terminates with the present number of thf Student. The retirement, at this juncutrc, of a single incumbent, makes a farewell notice applicable to ourself only, and this is theilrsl time in the his tory of the Student that such an event has occurred. The expedient of a divided editorship, to which this result is due, has, wl be lieve, increased the actual number of con. tribulors. So, while the experience of the last year has been of much personal ben efit, we hope that the advantages have not all been on one side. The efforts which both the editors have made to secure a large proportion of articles written for the special purpose of appearing in the col. umns of the Sti'dent, have met with con siderabie success. If, as is quite possible, exception lias been taken to things that have been said and done in our editorial capacity, t-'iieh one of the objects of blame may console himself with tlic thought that the reader ma' not always have been able to fasten the guilt of any shortcom. ings to cither one. Hut while we must now "step down and out," we wisli the Student abundant success during the years to come. F. O. .Mohto.n. SEN lOIl STUDIES. It has become the tendency of every insti tut ion, to favor the more advanced classes, not alone with extraordinary privileges but equally as well with excessive study. In opposition to such a custom we have nothing to say, if only a few modifications were made. For, after a student has spent from three t.) five years in diligent study at some institution, certainly he deserves a little reward for his past labors, though it may accrue in the form of double duty. Hut there are some who enter college with no deliuite aim in view. And there aieas many more, who, entering college with a profession distinctly decided upon, before the course of study tending to it is half completed, wish that they had chos en otherwise. For these there is no other hope than to pursue a curriculum tedious and odious, or, to discontinue the one thus far pursued and turn back to bring ii the new selection. So many instances have occuied, wheio students have found it according to their wishes to turn back, that in some American colleges, an accomodation has been ingeniously agreed upon, allowing the studies of the Senior classes to be op. tioual. At (list such a concession may appear absui d. Hut upon a second consideration