Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1879, Page 90, Image 19

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Ladles do very well for presidents, but
they do get tilings mixed sometimes. Il
isn't quite Hie tiling, for instance, to indeli
nntely pospono u member who wants an
excuse, yet we n.ivc known ti lady to in
sist on such a tiling.
Has the University no rights that cows
nrc bound lo respect? A number of these
quadrupeds may be seen every day waicli.
iug around the corner of the building lo
pounce upon tne first blade of grass thai
makes its appearance. Have 'em before
the discipline com.
Every student should nave a copy of
"The Royal Path of Life."
Let the Military department be made
more elliient. After all the newspaper
items Hint have been published about il,
n student from the country was seen on
the Capiir.l grounds the other day en
deavoring to ilnd Hie trigger of the can
non that is kept there.
The Military Company has three raw
recruits who drill in a 6qnad by them,
selves. One of l hem is six feet two or
three, ami the other two are each about
four. They present a very striking a p.
pearance, especially when trying to keep
the touch of elbows.
The time has about arrived for the an
nual raid of the elementary Botany class,
upon the Aatrayalus Guryocarpus. This
is the first flower that makes its appear,
ance here, is the first analyzed, and is the
one or which alone the student knows the
name a year after date.
Solicitous Prep: (paying bis two do.
lars,) "Chancellor, will wo have lo p.iy
this any more?" Chancellor: (impres
sively,) "Sir, I am neither a prophet nor
the sou of a prophet." So that settles
the Chancellor's geneological iccord.
Professor Howard is varying the man
ner of com! in ling the Rhetorical exercis.
es this term, from the usual method. The
classes meet once a week and spend part
of the tune in reading and then listen to
two or three declamations from members
of the class. They are now reading Sliak
speare and find it a very interesting study.
Il is allium impossible, until one has tried
it to imagine how greatly a single passage
may be varied, and how difficult il some,
times is to determine the proper reading.
During the Chancellor's absence, the
Senior Class are paddliuglbeirowu cauoe.
Miss Irwin lias been elected to Hie chair
of Moral Philosophy. V 0. Morton in.
structs the class in Political Economy,
while C. N. Little expatiates to li is class,
mates on International Law. .
Wo attended the entertainment given
by Hie Ik-rger f unily and Sol Smiili Rus
sel, in this place, a short time ago. We
don't get paid for this, but, since first
class enleitaiiiineiils are s-oaice, we ad
vise ali students to lake 'cm in when
they return, as we understand they will,
not far in lite tutuie.
"The Royal Path of Life" would be a
nice present to a friend.
One day last vacation some small boys
set fire to the grass near the southeast
corner of the campus. It cuinmuiiicated
lo the cedar hedge, and wasallainingcon.
siderabie headway, when "Ye Local" and
some other v ' am young men, and ladies
saw it. Through their -..-lions it was ex.
tinguished. and what might have luon a
serious conflagration avencd.
The Journal on the first of April had a
paragraph staling that the water in the
Artesian well had become fresh. We re-
ally thought that no student would be Ink
en inliy sueh a thin sell, bin developments
have shown that a Q St. Sophomore was
among the first victims. He even took a
pitcher with him lo bring back some of
the eccentric fluid. He will be expelled
from the class.
Sonic boys make a practise of turning
off the gas from the Palladia!) Hall near
ly every meeting. Wliile'this might, per.
baps, be a very gratifying statu of affairs