Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1879, Image 9

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EmTOUS'IN-CIIIEF, - - F. 0. Mouton & C. E. Stuatton.
Associate Eurroit, Miss May B. Faiufikld.
LOoafj Eorron, Sam D. Cox.
Business MANAomi, E. P. Unanqst.
J copy por college year - - $1.00.
1 column ono insertion - - S4-0n.
O.fiO. Ssuttnres u " 1.00.
Single copy - 0.15. 1 " " " .50.
The Studknt(1.00)iuu1 Literary Jros($1.00)io new subscribers 1.35, in advance.
six months
AllartlcleB for publication should bo addresBod Kdltor IIesfewan Student, Stato UnlvcrMty.
Lincoln, Nebraska. All subscriptions, mid buslncHH communications, with the address, should
be xunt to K. 1'. UNANOST Subscriptions collected Invariably !:i ndvauco. AdvcrtlBomontB
collected monthly.
What students constitute Tin: Iliisi'nit.
tan Studknt Association? This qm-s-tlon
meets us upon every ocot'sion, when
the interests of Ihe magazine are men.
tinned. And in view of t li is, it is now
lime that the question should he definite
ly settled. Previous to the meeting of
the Hoard of Regents in Dee. last
the Association consisted of the four
classes of Ihu college of Literature, Se.i.
eneo and Art, and the Junior and Senior
ohisso. of the Agricultural collide. This
boundniy line was made 1 the RcgcntM
three yearu ago, and in oiiforinily wilh
their decision, the AsHociallon passed a
resolution accepting Ihe new basis of
Hut in Deo. 1878, for some cause never
oillcinlly stated to the mnnugors, the Sri;
nr.NT was removed from Ihe jurisdiction
of the Regents by a vote of their own
body. In oilier words the Stumsnt w.-vs
thrown upon its own responsibility a
position which It behooves ovory college
journal to maintain.
Since Ihe notion of the Regents in Deo.
hist, there lias heen no material change in
the Constitution of the AsKoelntioii. Hence
the articles, relating to .nemborbhlp re
main as before, established by the resolu
tion of the Association and by prccidcnL
For the action.-, taken by the Regents, dn
not interfere with our legislation, in as
much as the nature of their resolutions
was to give us absolute freedom, holding
us only responsible.
Yet, there are some who think the Asso
cialion is now composed of till the stu.
dents of Ihe University, basing their argue
men! upon the ground that the action of
the Regents left the Association where it
was before its restriction to the college
Lei us have this matter settled before
another election, when it can only he dc
lei mined by a violent parly strife. If
propitiatory students arc members of the
Association, let the fact be known thill
ihe old excuse, of not having any interest
in Ihu management of the Stuimsnt, may
bo obliterated. .
Tn scarcely any part of their work arc
students more generally negligent than
In essay writing. Imperfect' preparation
Ih often made and sometimes none at till.
The work is frequently postponed to the
last day and then, peihnps, done under
In thus slighting tills duly, ono neglects