ffl- rfliT itSMM CMHfctoMMttl T3 a VI TUN I.ATHST. - F K A Q U K N T VANITY FA1U s m o k i jst a. It L l K . E. HALLETT, Wat cliniakcr,nnl Jeweller, Engraver, and Dealer In fine Wntohes, UlmnonilN, Silverware, Speetnelr, Ve. The University Hell in rune byllAU.KTT'sTime. O street, between 10th and lltli, south side. LINCOLN. NKH. HENRY VtilTH. IIAKKIl AND (iROGKK. SOUTH SIDK POST OFFK'K SQUAKK. Tlic OUlohl liakory in tlio City, where Fresh Bread, Pie, Cake and Crackers can he hat! at any lime. Vnmltr: JS'ut tnd Crncktr .So hi UVtoltKiU ' 1 also keep a Hlg Stock of Well selected Staple nntl Fancy Groceries, tlie Host Hands of Flour, Cured Meats and Fish, and all kinds of Fruit and Vugdta'bles In Soasone. I liavii no Kent to pay, and Sell (in Small Mar glnos. 1 Invite Kvory-Hody to give me a Trial. tSrREN'KJntKIt 77 PLACK. COMK A X D F. CONVINCE D. In placing this new Tobacco before the public, wo do not propose to disclose our special claims and Improvements, for the icnsnn that hi ever Instance where wo have Introduced new article. It has been the custom of manufactures of Inferior production to adopt our precise claims to ob lain notoriety. We will, however, make one broad assertion, that no tobacco has ever been ptoduced possessing so many valuable requisite. Thk standard of our world-wide and reliable brand, VANITY FAIR will over be maintained, and such Improvements added from time to time as are the results of our unremitting ofl'ortM to plnce upon the market a Tobacco which shall meet nil the demand of the connoisseur. AVMT. S. KIMHAU A: CO. Vkkkt.kso Ton a ceo Woukn, Hochcster N. Y. WS!sJesoi mr - trxTmnwiirMWT,M rnKAlUUnrr. V.X"-""-fl "QS Webster's Dictionary. 10,000 Worth and Meanings not in other Dictionaries. 3000 KngrnvltiRH; 18-10 pngoN Qmirto. Irl-e 12. KOl'lt 1AKS COl.OUKI) 1M.ATKS. "SJT "TlIK 1IKST VHAITIOAI. KmiI.IKII )i (- TT TIONAltt KXTANT." I.IHilllill Uuttrtu'y - The sale of Wehttr'n Dietiouarli s b throughout the country In 1873 were '.0 times as large as the sales of nu other Dictionaries. g One family of children liming Wr.n stkr's I'NAimiiKiKi). nud usinc it fiLth . and another not having it, the tlrst will become much the inowt Intelligent men and women. Ask your teacher or minis ter If it is not so, then buy the book and use, and urge Its use, frcelv, Published by fi. &. C MKKKA1M, SprhiKHcia, t e r s Ma. n a b r i d g e d