, VJi M. X t T1 uuaMj.,; -i?i;r?''"p? lKnMi .If., Dealer In O LO THING-! A N II gents fuiini suing goods j Lincoln, . . . Nebraska. i.kigiitoiv & isnowx, Wholesale Dealers In ttElVdS, J11NTS, OILS, .lilrf Window Glass. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Lincoln, - Nebraska. 1EO FJE1 A IMZCK. Wholesale, ami lfetall dollars In Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Woodenwarc, iVc. &c. t'ST'Wirxt-clnsH Hardware. Entablifdnnont. Knsl. sllo tho Square. Lincoln, Nol. Wholesale & Retail -Dealers in- ' Groceries and Provisions, Wooden & Willow ware &c. Ate. South 5f(fc Square. 3 TO USE'S ! Old and tollable I 7(777 ON STORE for a Good Bargain in seconded handed I'll rill til re, Tinware mill notions of nl Kinds. Kn-I Side Die Square. Iihtcohiy .Vrfcrn."!. YOU Alt 12 ltl3C02II12Nl)I3D! To visit Iiof. ". JU. Wallace's tonsorlal parlor, forn First Claws .Vimv, iinlr f-'Mf, t' Shantpoint. lie Ik an excellent workman, excelled by nono in IiIh profession, and .von will receive the most courteous attention. Hair cut, 25els. Shaving, lOcts. 5f-liADIKS' II AIM WOltK made a specialty. Cull ami fee film, Xorth ultle Govemtnen Square. JIlue Front, Lincoln Xebruika. EVERYBODY ! ! Onjjht to K'cl a copy of "The lloyal Path of "Lire" before it. Is loo late. Address, P. M. Hanniiiai., Gen. A.?'t Lincoln, Nob. GO TO THE 0. K. SHOP. On lite East Sido of Iho Square ami gel 13. . MASOX to do Your Work. Fiist Class Shave !0cts Latest Style of Hair cut 25cta fcfir-Ladies Hair dressing Done at Tholr Itcsldcnccs. Sick Gentlemen Waited or. at Tholr Houses. ro.vrjf,i.v Razors and Sharpening Shears a Specialty. Al Orders from thu Country Promptly Attended to Address A'. 0. .VASOX, Box 775 Lincoln, Neb. 1$. & M. It. It. Time Table in Nebraska. Pass. fc M,all going Kant, arrives l!2:10 p. in. " " " " loaves I2::i5p. in. " " " West arrives 12:30 p.m. " " " leaves 12:50 p.m. Accommodation going West nrrlvos 1:30 p. in. " " " leaves 1 :Ki p. m. " " Kast arrives 11:05 a.m. 4 " " leaves 11:05 a.m. Freight " " " 5:30 p. m. " " " " 7:00 p. m. A. C. 7.IKMKK, Tlckot Agont. f2."T T I (iron! chance to make money. If VJTV-' XjJ- . you can't get. gold you can get grconhacks. o need a person in every town to take subscription for tho 'argost, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication in tho world. Any one can become a successful agent. The most olegant works of art are given free to sub scribers. The price is so low that almost every body subrribes. One agent reports making over $150 in a week. A lady agent reports taking over 100 subscribers in ten days. All wha engage make money last. You can devote all your time or on ly your sparo time. You need not bo away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Kle gant and expensive Out lilt tree. If you want prof itable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages fails to make great pav. Address "The People's .Journal," Portland, tnlne. CIJXE'S Picture Frame Depot flit? Photograph itoons. Holme's Block 11th St.