Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1879, Image 22
l I i i. ! 1 I: JONES A; MUNSOS!, LUMBER DEALERS! LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. BAKERY ! ALSO Staple and Fancy Groceries Confectionery, Canned Fruit, Best Spring- and Fall Flour P. J. GUI.ICK, North Sldo Market Square, Lincoln, Nebraska. Commercial Hotel. (Douglas Houec Enlarged.) J. J. IMIIOFF, - Prop. Newly FurniBhed Throughout. Con venicul Sam plo Hoome for Commercial Men. Cor. 11th fc r Ste., two Blocks touth University, Unvoln, JTeb. J. B. TRIGKEY & CO., Have the largest stock of Clocks, IWatcheSi Jetvelfry etc. In tho'clty. O St., opp. Gov. I O. LINCOLN, NKIl. joii.v l. rccovvjEJLt, Dealer in Staple &. Fancy Dry CoodH AND NOTIONS, No. 10, O Street, McCoimd'a Now Mock, Lincoln, - Wtbranka. Family Groceries. Ah Good rh tlio Heat, Ah Cheap an the Cheapen!, AT GRIFFITH HItO'S. Corner of 10th and I Streets. N. PARKER, BOOT & SHOE MAKER. P Street, between 10th and 11th, Lincoln, - Nebraska. ItKrAIKI.NII 1'IIOMITI.V ATTKN1IEI) TO. F. WOHLENBERG, MAN UK CTUItEIt AND DEALEIt IN JmportHl ami Domtttie Claims, Cheirtngr and Smoktnr Tobarro. Opera House, Liucolu. Nebraska. I FRED. SCHMIDT Dealer in DRY GOODS, Notions, Fancy Goods, Dress Goods, Hats & Caps. Groceries, Quecnswarc, Boots and Shoos. SOUTH SIDK MAItKICT KQUAKK, LINCOLN, NEB. J i r