Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1879, Page 66, Image 18

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t.'jO.M. NEWS.
VOt,. VII t,
' i
Two students who room near the Uni
versity, htul u narrow escape from lire not
long ugo. A "Student" lump, being too
full, the oil caught lire, ami for u few
minutes it looked us if tin explosion
might take place at any moment. The
hoys placed the lump on the lloor, in the
huddle of the room, and made ready to
leave, hut it burned out without any dam
age, save a used-up lamp and u hole in
the onrpot.
Every student should have a copy of
"The Royal Path of Life."
The Sophomore class has elected olli
cers for the next term as follows. Pres..
Miss Matio Treeman. Vice Pies., Miss
Minnie Williams. Secretary, Miss Anna
Shuckman. Treasurer, Miss Bertie Heb
aril. Chorister, Frank Parks. Poet, May
B. Fairfield. Orator. J. II. Bridenbattgh.
Essuy is, E. P. Unangst. Serganl-al-anns,
, John II. Silvernuil Editors of the lirstnum
. her of the Oomct, Anna Shuckman, B. C
Arnold. The class meets once a month.
The Tichenor House literary society
held its closing meeting lor this term,
last Saturday night. A special pro
gramme had been arranged, and was car
ried out very creditably. After this,
tables were set, and the members and
many of their friends set down to a boun
teous repast, which had been pro pa red by
. the ladies of the society. An hour or two
. was spent in social chat and merry rcere.
ution -when the gathering adjourned, and
all returned homeward rejoicing that
they had spent so pleasant an evening.
Among the improvements, we have to
chronicle with this issue is the removal of
S. Schwu'i, the well known Clothier into
one of the pleasant and spacious stores un
der the Academy of Music, who by the way
has made hinuclf quite popular with the
Public, in the short lime of one year, by
his strictly fair and honest way of dealing
Hc.id just receiving his Spring and Sum.
mer goods, ami a liner display of novelties
in the line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, and
men's Furnishing Goods cannot be found
n the West, the store is attractive and pleas
uut, the Goods choice, fashionable, and
cheap. Give him a call.
The Operetta "Princess Snowdrop" given
by the young ladies ami gentlemen of Lin.
coin under the direction of Miss Roggrs
came oil' on the evening of Fob. 21, ajid
was well received by a large audience.
Considering that almost all the partici
pants were novices on the stage the piece
was exceedingly well rendered. Th cos
tumes were simply immense, etpcially
those improvised for the "Royal Guards.'!
There were University Cadets and with the
formidable mustaches, goatees which Prof
Stadter formed with his brush, they pre.
sented a very picturesque appearance.
The Gerntun title of the .Operetta, by the
way, is Sclmeeioittchon and not Schnccr
tropfen and as we had it in our last issue,
though we cannot see yet why schnee
tropfun isn't Snowdrop.
During vacation the students are not
responsible for their actions. The other
day, two Juniors sallied forth on an ob
serving expedition. They first visited the
N street sower, but as the gentlemen had
no cure for such scented whiffs as wore
to he obtained from this running stream
of Cologne water, they plodded on. "Up
on a Hat cur near by, stood u four wheeled
concern which proved u puzzler to both
the youths until u boot-bluck informed
them that it was a lire engine. The fore
noon's jaunt ended with a cock-light in
which blood and feathers rapibly changed
places. The little rooster beginning to
fag Mr. Faucets commenced to cheer him ;
at litis Mr. Silkvender put in his lip, re
ceiving in return a shoulder hitter upon
he left optic. Omncs xkateruut.
Last Tttseday evening, March, 18th, we
had the pleasure of attending the special
meeting of the Union Society for the elec
tion of ollieers. The contest was a very
spirited one. The boys formed u solid
phalanx on one side, lite girls on the