Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1879, Page 65, Image 17
NO. 3. WXJAIi NKWfl. 05 "The Royal Path of Life" is worthy of u plucc in every home. Oui Business Manager says he would not mind the niuno Bus Man, If the girls would only appreciate the term. Most of the students "passed" this term. A few have filled in some study and pro pose to "take it up" hereafter. Mr. Monagon, editor of the Humboldt Sentinel, one of our most valued exehang es, was in the city a few days ago and call ed on the Local editor. The Sophomores and Juniors were chal lenged by the Preps and Freshmen to a game of Base-Ball; but the weather has been such that it has been impossible for the game to take place. There was an editor In Omnlin,, Who said wo didn't run according to law; Some charges ho preferred, And that's the last wo've heard Of this editor from Omaha. The Lecture Asi., have engaged Miss California Vineyard to deliver a reading in this city, sometime during the first week of next term. Miss Vineyard is very highly spoken of by the press. The Student comes out this number in a new suit. It is a decided improvement on our old costume. We propose to pre sent a good outward appearance, as well as an interesting and instructive interior. Base-Ball is beginning to show it's vie tints. Mr. Caldwell is afflicted with a lame leg, while "Ye Local" is able to rival Tom Sawyer at spitting through the place where a tooth used to be. Base-Ball did it. The Tiehenor House society, in order to be up willi the l est of the world, had an investigation of one of its members. He was accused of stealing kindling wood, eating mushrooms and gelling "mashed" on a strawberry blonde. He was proven guilty of the last charge and tht? Committee brought in the veadict, "hopelessly insane". "I always spend more money than I in tended to when I came in, the prices are so low I" is the remark made by many la dies in the Little Store on 11th Street, and it is the low prices on Corsets, Ruchings, Buttons, &c that take so well. Chancellor Fairfield delivered an address to the students of the Iowa Iudrustrial Col lege March 8th. On March 0th. he lectur ed on " Palestine," at Omaha, to a very large audience; Match 15th. he lectured at Ashland on " Palestine ". One of our Professors is destined to be a Malobrauche. During the last term he has been training a bench leg purp to bring into No. , all students found with in a half mile of the University. The Prof, is now dieting li is cam's for the la borious spring work. Madame Rumot litis it that one of our young Professors intends changing the monotony of his life this coming vaca tion. We don't mean to insinuate that he meditates suicide unless it be suicidc'of unhappincss. In the language of a Wes tern poet," he is agoin' to git married." An article appears in this number signed Chlchimec. We publish it this time but we want it understood that wo don't keep a pronouncing machine and the editors jaws are not insured. It may be that the author had no evil intentions but it the ofl'ense is repeated we shall take it as an attempt upon the editor's jaws, and the utmost endeavors will be made to bring the culprit to justice. Prof. Collier and the Physics class, one day last week, narted the lead discs, which were pressed together at one of the lectures of Prof. Collier, to show the force of molecular attraction. They did it by means of a lever, and the weight required to part them was 1111 pounds. The discs were not more than an inch in diameter and not more thou half their surfaces touched each other; so thut the result was truly astonishing.