Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1879, Page 64, Image 16

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Spring I
Feci lazy?
Going home for vnciiiion?
Base designs foundations.
Rend the "Royal Path of Life."
All settling down to review won?.
Select a good umbrella before borrow,
Favorite author among the Fatcgonians
Shake spear.
A schoolmnstcr out. west claims to be
tho Prince of Whales.
The question that agitates the Junior
mind is mustache or no mustache.
Tho roof of the Dormitory has been
sown down in lightning rods.
The occupation of the Unviersity steps
by couples from down town augurs the
approach of Spring.
Buggy riding seems to be the favorite
amusement. Lincoln turns out some
fine "rigs."
We met a Senior coming from a four
hours examination in French the other
day He looked as if he had got caught
under a pilcdrivcr.
The weather keeps making the most un.
lookcd.for changes. We have had more
kinds of wcatherthis Spring than any
body ever saw in the same length of time.
Prof. Emerson now has an aflcruoon
class in German, for the accomodation of
those who wished to do an extra amount
of work during the latter part of the term
Wo dwn't believe a word of it ourselves,
but it is said as some one passed a gate
post on Q street at It P. M., tho other
night there were two parties holding it
up, and one of them softly humming to
himself, " Pll stand by until the morn-ing."
The investigation is over, the Legisla.
ture has adjourned, Spring lias come, and
vacation is here. The congregation will
please rise and sing.
Several ol the students now attending
will not return next term. We are sorry
to lose them, but, if they must go, we
wish them well.
Hail, gentle Spring! And she hailed,
and rained, and blew, much to the detri
ment of cloths lines, chicken coops, and
old signs. This isn't poetry.
At tho approach of Summer vacation
the book agent and the map man may be
expected to appear among the .students.
No, thank you, we've had an cxporicree
The programme of the Palladiau Socio
ty for their last meeting, hanging in the
hall, was very neately and tastefully exe
cuted. We understand it was done by
0. C. Chase.
The boys are beginingto shine up their
brass buttons and get ready lor the Spring
term of drill. They did not use up all
the cartridges they had last Fall and they
intend to stick Target Hill full of lead
next term.
We can't see what was the use of the
complicated experiments by which it was
found that friction oven of ice would pro
duce heat. Anybody who ever hit an
other follow wilh a snowball knows that
it makes him hot.
The Junior exhibition has been post
poned until the second Friday in next
term. It was found unavoidable to lake
this course on account of sickness among
the members of the class and uuforsecu
The Lootu id Association at their last
meeting donated to the Hesperian Stu.
dent Association !j2."i,00 and loaned It) it
$20,00 more. Tills will pul the Student
entirely out of debt. The thanks of the
Association aro duo to their sister Asso
ciation for their generosity,