Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1879, Page 62, Image 14
rsannDS oi UDITOll'S TAUIiK. VOL. Vtl!, in a mantle of dignity and with chilling epithets smother the rising ambition of young and inexperienced writers; others still, greet friend and foe alike, with crusty words and contetnptous sarcasm. Sel dom do we And our ideal exchange editor who knows when to praise and when to censure, who, dropping a cheering word of praise here, and giving sage advice there, rebuking this one and ridiculing that one, courageously perforins the r. dons duties of his position. The Bates Student greets us with its us mil well-wriUon editorials and lame lo cals. The January number contains a poem entitled "Night Watch" which was much above the average. Most of our exchanges have a certain column devoted to communications and correspondence. The articles are upon current topics of interest to students and must necessarily add to the usefulness of the paper. The Alabama University Monthly with its usual heroism, in an earnestly written article courageously defends red hair All honor to the brave editor! "We wisli him a long and happy life, and An old ago serene iinil bright, Ami lovely as n Lapland night. A long essay on Street Scenes we did not like. The author was evidently aim ing at an originality to which he was not able to attain. The effort was painful and oppressed us. It seems to us that the Collegian and Nestorian witli three local editors who are Juniors, should have bright witty lo. cals instead of the spiritless ones which characterized the January number; un less it be that "too many cooks spoil the broth." An essay on Nature's Poetry was bubbling over with verdant oaks purling streams, mountain torrents, butter-cups, unfurrowed prairies, startled snakes and tiny pebbles. A plea for Mythology was a strong log leal production and was very creditable to its classical author. The Albany Monthly contains an oxcol lent parody: the "Soph's Prayer." We given quotation. llaekward, turn backward O time In your flight! Maku 1110 a child again Just for to-night, Morpheus, come back from thu ocholosH short!, Take mo again to your arm an ofyoro. I can but think of thu speech I've to write, Hut subjects and thoughts have taken their flight. O that to mortals your art you would teach; Write mo a speech, Clio, write mo u speech! Tired of the German, the Latin, the Ureok; Tired of the contest 'twi.xt Deltas and Deko; Many a Spring time the graBS has grown green, Dlosomod and laded vacations between; And with strong yearning and passionate pain, Long I to-night for my childhood again, O Mint my prayer to Olympus might reach! Write me a speech, Clio, write me a speech! An article on Richard the Third was a faithful portraiture of that dissolute mon arch; am', another on the Adams family was interesting. The "Ancient" of the Univcmty lie. porter calls us a "red-backed seed cata loguc," and frantically exclaims, "How can an editor let friendship compel him to publish such miserably distracted prose and call it poetry? 'The Smash-up' in deed ! Why I'd smash up auy man wlio'd hand mo a poem like that!" Don't be rash, Mr. Editor, ice do not so closely cover our outside pages with advertise, ments as to make it almost impossible to find out the name of thu paper! And it wont do to make fun of our poetry when, with eight editors the best that a dorns your pages is so ridiculous an e.Hu siau as this. "Sing, sing, yo gentle breezes All among the sticks and treeses! Waft, waft, yo llttto blowses Coolness to our ears and noses!" A bard who could produce that, is, in our opinion, sulllciently light-headed enough to be speedily wafted away by the first "little blowses "that come along. The soothing pleasures of tlio Holidays having lost their benign influence (upon the exchange editor of the Niagra Inde he has again launched forth with the torn-