Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1879, Image 1

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Qui nun l'roflclt, Deficit.
MARCH, 1879.
NO. s
O Thought, sublime and grand! Iudcx su
preme Of power ill vini;! Whether written with pen of
Upon the flowing page, or with the burning
Of eloquence upon the minds anil heart
Of men. Whether read in hooks of humnu
Or God's great hook of nature. Whether seen
In the rocks
That rear their craggy peaks so far above
The storm-cloud's reach, or in the whirling
That rides upon the wind and wildly sweeps,
As a destroyingaugel, o'er laud and sea.
Or in the sunlight that silently streams from
dow n
The azure sky, painting in snowy white
The lily's cheek, and touching with ruddy line
The rose's Up. Whcrexer written, seen, and
Thou art hut a single revelation, grand,
Or power, omnipotent, divine. And where.
O Thought, was thy first dwelling place? And
Too didst thou first exist? Thy rule is from
Jttcrntty unto eternity.
Thy realm, the great broad Universe of God.
Hut in the mind and heart of man thou didst
A beginning have. When first he breathed the
Of lire, when llrst the current, red, began
To flow and heart to throb.thcn thou didst enter
And there take thy seat. O what n power,
To man was given! Power alone by which
lie claims, child or Omnipotence to be,
And use or which, his greatest pleasure forms.
Power alone which raiseB man above
The brute, and crowns him sovereign of the
Ily which lie lollows nature in wanderings
Remote, ami searches out her mysteries
Most hidden. By which man links to known,
And whoso each achievement is but the key
To unlock the door to greater mysteries;
And to open the way to nature's grander fields.
Ily which man chained the thunderbolts or hea
ven, And trained them well his niesscugejs to be.
O Thought! forever monarch, while at same
Time servant of tho world, and at whose feet
Truth cast her richest treasures, and 'fore whom,
In humblest adoration bows the world
Of man. Orttimes thy palace, a lowly cot.
Or e'en a prison cell, the humblest mind
In all the land, thy throne, hut yet how grand
Thy rule. How strange the transformation or
Thy hand! The tyrants of the world have trem
bled In thy presence, and watched with Jealous care,
Thy every movement. With anxious Tears did
tliey chain
Await the time when thou shouldst burst the
Uy which they had bound thee.and be free agalu.
Oa and eagerly did they seek to thwart thou
Thy might, to encroach upon thy freedom. Ilut
Art free, O Thought, and this the laud of thy
Free birth. And from tills home of liberty,
This laud of freedom, thou shal t soar aloft
With heaven-aspiriiig wings and uudazzlcd eye,
Mid the very glare or Truth's meridian sun.