Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 01, 1879, Image 9

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KniTOns-iN-ciuKK, P. 0. Moktox & U. E. Stuattok.
IiOai. Eimou, Sam I). Cox.
1 column ono insertion - .
i copy per college year - Jfi.uu. 1 column one insertion - - -run.
1 " six months .... 0.50. 2 squares " " 1.00.
Single copy 0.1,1. I " " " .50.
Tho STumxr($l.Q0)uu(l Literary iVi)w(l.00)to new subscribers $1.25, in advance.
Allnrtlclos for imbllciition should bo niltlresHcil Kdltor Hkm-hhian Stuiikst, Stnto Unlvorglty.
Lincoln, Nebraska. All subscriptions, iiml but-liu'cr coiiinuiiilciuloius with the address, should
bo aont to i. V. I'NANl.ST Subscription collected luvnrlnhly in ndvanco. Advertisements
collected monthly.
We would not have it inferred, from the
few words that we shall say upon this
subject, (hat we intend to champion idle
ness on the part of the students far from
it. We believe if there is any period in
the life of an individual, when energy
and industry are demanded, it is during
his college days. Hut ovon here, industry
must llnd a limit (or her ambitious career;
for physical development is as essential
a- mental.
There are students in the University,
stimulated by class ambition and a desire
to meet all duties, who pursue their work
to the utmost limit, rugu:dlcs of the im
perative laws of health and even life.
Nor does this work reach beyond the lim
its of assigned loasons. We believe we
speak the tnr.h, when wo say that the
oourscs of study now existing in the Uni
versity have never been so thorough as
they are to-day. It is, doubtless, an hon
or to the University that she possesses
Mich students, and affords such impcrn.
tivo discipline Hut it must not bo for.
gotten that great gains tiro easily lost in
the intellectual, as well as in the material
field of commorce.
Seldom have two terms glided away in
the University without some enterprise
of the students lias made its appearance,
Hut the end of the second lerm is near at
hand, and yet nothing has appeared to
remove the monotony ol study. Even
the literary societies show the pressing
work that continually rests upon each in
dividual member. Listen to the explana
tions of those who are withdrawing from
the literary societies during the present
term, and the excuse is one and the same,
"My studies allow mo no lime for prepar
ation." Ask bun, who fails in the litcraiy
duties the cause and the excuse is the
same. Even the contributors to the Stu
oknt bavo fallen off in number and we
are compelled to solicit articles for pub
Mention. In every instance thoro is evidence that
the increased st'idto are demanding more
of the student in the text-book and class
room. To this thorough and oaasoless
discipline wo have no objection. It is
partly for this that we niton I tho Univer
sity. Hut wo do regret to see tho practi
cal and enterprising spirit that formerly
existed in the University crushed out by
the more speculative studies.
While wo propose to say a few words
in reference to our rhetorical exorcises, it
is with no intention of underrating their
wot lb. Students do themselves an in jus-
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