J . IB . II A It 1, 1? Y , DKA1.KK IN raj i t a '" J, 4 L'8 ! LV? CtMS ,41 l t ,'rf? Till? IIKSIMHKIAN STWIM3NT A MAGA'ATXli, llHVOTUIITOTHK INTKHKSTS OFT1IK UNIVKKS1TY, nuil Tho Kriucnilmml Iiitorosts of tho Stnto. Tilt I.arg-rul mill Utnl f'njirr of Hit kind ftubUfiffl In Hit Slntt. aivkktisk. Our Urge nuil IncronMnp circulation mako It a paying linostinont to advortlj-o. Sou l(v rates o" ilvcTtip-tnir in nuottiurcnliiniii. SimSOUIHK, Anil iliii encourage and materially ast-lct In build Inn up nu cducatlnunl Jouruiil of tliu lilgluisl merit. Drugs and Medicines. 1W0KS, STATrOXHJiY A2W WALL PAPER, FAXCY AXOTOII.ttT AUTIC1.KS, HKUSIIKS, KINK SOAKS, SPONGKS, Ac Corner 0 and 11th Streets, Lincoln, Nek JXTCuMomers will And our stock complete! comprising many artlclun It In iiii(ixt!lU- lioiv tog anuniorato, nml nil old nt moderate piiccs. Tho, Excelsior Teachers' Ajjcncy.f Tiik promptest, simplest, cheapeM, nn-st extensive ami elllcient in this country. An old and successful Agency now en. largcd and improved under a new name. A hranuh ofllce in neatly every State. School Authorities desiring teachers, and tuauhcrs desiring positions should addiess with stamp, Row S. W. Applogate, Cieno- ral olllco, Trenton, Mich. TKK.MS OFSUHSCIMI'TION, only Ono Dollar por your, payable. In adttn:t Soiul all sulifCriptloiihnndbuBluOEsCominiiiilcn tloilS 10 E. 1 UXAXflST. ItiiBliituB Manager, 1.INC01.N, Xkiikahka. 51 New Ycnr Cards, large size, new and elegant designs for 1S70, with name lOcts or .10 Gold Edged lOcts. C. Vans & Co North Chatham, N. Y. O. Il. WMUiSTMSil, DFAM3K IX BOOTS c SIIOI-s, L E A T II E It & F I N 1) I N fi S , East 0 Street, South Side Street, LlXO0LN,JfJSn. Jtyspcclnl mlas to Student