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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1879)
E. HALLETT, Wiit!liiiiiiltor,uiil Jeweller, Engraver, ami Dealer In line Wutelios, DlnmomlH, Silverware, Siwctnt'lcN, A;c. PARIS, 1878.- 'I'tio University Hell Is runu byllAi.i.KTTVrim e. o street, between 10th and lltli, south Bide. LINCOLN, NKM. The Commercial T i SOB1 A I. PAKLO It The Only Place Whore Glysro-Cosmolino Cim bo II nil ! A Preparation Before Unknown lo the Public! Kmhraclng, as it does, many Ingredients be fore iiiikhowii It will curoDanuruh", oradlcatoTol tor. and cure itching or sweating of tin bend. If Cosmolluo does not do what Is claimed for It, the inoniiy will chcerlully be refunded. This Is un surpassed lnr ladles use. Ladles work done tit their houses if desired. .1 Fir sl CI a s s Shave Y A FIItST CLASS llAKDKIt Can be had at any time. Special rales given to Students. f&f-UlVK US A CALL. YOU AUK HUltK TO (IKT SATISFACTION. .1. A. CJLHASON, - Pioprietor. VANITY FAIR! Tliu World-wldo reputable old and reliable brands OF T0BA0 00 and 0 I G A li E T T I S ! Have received the IIlOUKST AWAltD AT TUB Woitl.D'S FAIR, A SILVKlt M 13 I A I,, Honorable Mention and Diploma, MAKING 0 FIHST 111113 MAHALS! Which is conclusive evidence at to tho merits of our goods and justifies the chilin we have always made for the superiority of manufactures. tSTSOLI) EVKUYWllKUK. Sm IIenky IlAi.t'onn says, " Vanity 1'ntr has no equal." MOVOGKAM CfGAUUTTKS. l'ho latest novelty and correct thing for whist and dinner parties will be your monogram, name or initials beautlfulh lithographed oi. a special size of Vanity Fair Cigarettes. Trice, 5 (X) for a slnglo order of!00, or at the rate of $12.00 per 1000, when four or more dlll'erent monograms are or dered, giving 250 to each person, lot tluro be !, (i or K In a club, Please be particular in writing initials plainly and in giving shipping directions. 2t5""Ordcrs may bo given to any first class Ci gar Dealer. CATARRH CI GAU12TT13S. l'or tho cure and relief of Oat rrh, Asthma, Cold In tho Head, Hay Fever and Hrnnchial All'octlons. A pleasant smoke and a most wonderful and in stantaneous rolief. ELt'-l'uroly Vegetable, Con tains no tobacco. If you cannot procure them of your Druggist or Clgiir Dealer, send 25c. for sample. AVM. S. KIM HAM, A: CO. Pkkui.ksh ToiiAcro Wokkh, Hoehcslor N. Y. Webster's Dictionary. 10,000 Worth and Meaninus nut in vlhci Dictionaricx. aOOU Kugruvlns; 1 8 10 lmgi'N Oimrto. Prlco 812. KOUll I'AOKS COLOKKI) l'LATKS. TTTT "THE HKhT 1MIACTI0AI. Knomhii Dio tionahv kxtant." London Quarterly jfrciew, (((., ioi.j. The sales of WobstorV Dictionaries throughout tho country In 1 87:1 were 20 tlmos as large as tho sales of any other Dictionaries. One family of children having Wkh sTKii's Unahuiikiki), anil using it freely, and another not having it, tho tlrst will become much tho most intelligent men aim women, ask youricaenerorminis 6 tor if it is not so, then buy the book and use, and urge Its uso, freely, V I'lihliHli.-il lit- U, &. O MlilUtAIM, .Spriimllvhl, ,1 S MUHN, U. e b s t U n a b r i d S e