Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 01, 1879, Image 21
HBKWBi-' &v, " ,' & ATTORNEY.- N. C. A1JUOXT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY TUB LIU. Oillcs, Academy of Music, Lincoln, Nebraska. MEDICAL. nCMSTEAD & PAINK, UOMCEPATIIIbTS. Oraco on 12th street, two blocks And a hair south of the Opera House Lincoln, Nebraska. Open at all hours. Night Lamp. F. G. FUL.L.ER. M. B. Physician and Surgeon. Office, Holmes' Block 11th Street, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. JB JE JT T J T . Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver and Rubber All Work Guaranteed. Office over Newman's storo on O Street. (Between Tenth and Eleventh streets,) LINCOLN, NEBRASKA T. C. Kern , D. D. S., W. S. Murry, D. D. S., DfcXTISTS. Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver, Continuous Gum ind Celluloid. Office over Harley's Drugstore, Cor. O & llth stis LINCOLN, NEBRASKA GO TO THE 0. K. SHOP, On tho East Side otihe Square ami gel 12. G. MASON to do Your Work. Fiist Class Shave lOets- Latest Style of Hair cut 25cls tSrLadlcs Hair dressing Dono atTholr Residences. Sict Gentlemen Waited o at Their House. -co jvca F'jr.vw- Razors and Sharpening Shears a Specialty. All Orders from tho Country Promptly Attended to. Address Box 775 Lincoln, Neb. E. G. .VASOX, BRACE & SHEPARD, DEALERS IN Groceries xV Provisions. North side O Street, Between 10th and llth. R. MONTE1TH, MANDPACTOnn AND DEALER IN Made from tho best material and warranted. Re pairing neatly dono on short notice. '-rlU nldo Square, LINCOLN, NEB. J. Fitzoeralu, "Prcs't. John R. Olark, Cashier J. P. Sudduth, Vice President. First National Bank OF LINCOLN, Does a Conservative General Banking Business? DIRECTORS, AHABA COBll. f JOIIN FlTZaERALli. J. P. StJDDUTU. J. R.CULKK. R. C.'CUSUINU. V. E. FlItinEIt. NO 34, llTH STREET Wholesale X Ilclail Groceries $ Green JFruils. Teas a speciality 1 LINCOLN. - NEBRASKA. IindiCM Bathing: Parlors !! We "would respectfully call the atten tion of Ladies to our elegantly furnished private bathing parlors. Union Block, Cob, O 10. LTXOOL.W - NEBRASKA GO TO! J. J. DECK, THE GROCER!