Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 01, 1879, Page 26, Image 2
2G BYMrOPlUM. .VOL VIII, changes arc covered by outward con form, ity. After material changes have been, mude by legal fiction the civilian says, "Behold the law still remains unchanged." So when sceptical criticism has forced the Church to conform to the spirit of the age, the advocate of creed still cries out "Emlcm! Eadcm!!" It is curious to notice that of synchro, nous events the cause is frequently mis taken for the effect, and the client for the cause. In no case has this error lead to more important results than in the con sideration of religion and civilization. The usually simultaneous existence of a purer religion ami a higher civilization has misled many to assign the former as the caussc of the latter. Yet I think no one conversant with the facts can resist the conclusion that it has been the prog ress of civilization, the exhaltation of the natural above the supernatural(if I puiy use the cataclucsis)that has purified and idealized rel'gion. It has been the refin ing influence of advancing civilization that has taken from religion its gross and sensuous character so revolting in the ceremonies of early times. Scepticism is a relative term and in one age is applied to principles which in the next are received as orthodox. The most sacred faith of one age frequently becomes the subject of ridicule in the next. The "brilliant but dangerous in fidel" of one generation becomes the "benefactor of mankind" to their children Thus has scepticism, the unconquerable momentum of mankind, pushed forward our civilization and in turn our civiliza tion has moulded and purified our rclig ion Of all the gems that brighten the crown of our godess of liberty, we prize none higher than the freedom of the press and the freedom of worship; the former wc owe to the sceptics of England, the latter to the sceptics of America. Elkve. SYMPOSIUM. SHOULD OUlt COLLEOE3 DISCAItD TIIEMAUK INO SYSTEM ? I. We are sure that every student is more or less interested in this matter, having at several times, perhaps, questioned the soundness and practicability of the sys. tern. In our opinion it may well be ques tioned in these respects. It is not only unsound, but impractica ble. To substantiate this, wc need but mention the various methods in use to settle the exact standing of a student. All most every instructor has a plan of his own. One marks the general success or failure of each recitation; another judges from the student's general ability: a third marks every mistake against tlio student, no matter how small a one it is, and so, in a large class, the time is pret ty well occupied in marking mistakes. Perhaps the student is pcrfecth; fiunil iar with his subject, but for the time can not recall the phrase or word, and so ho is marked down, and that little mistake is recorded against him for others to notice. But another consideration, and that is this. Instructors have difiercut grades. Some always have their classes graded from nine to ten on a scale of ten, while witli others it is equally complimentary to the pupil to stand from eight to nine, or even less; so that a student may pass in a study under one professor with a stand ing of eight, when under another iiistruc tor the grade might be nine and five tenths, although he may actually be do ing no hotter. And now. The most faithful students do not always recite the lies'. One with a glib tongue may show himself to a bet ter advantage than another, even when the gist of the los&ou is not so well un derstood. Tlii? last point is the most im pnrtaut. How well u student succeeds in educating himtsolf, how well he knows to Si ;