42 I.OOAI. NKW8. VOIi. VtH. 1 1 . I'M 'fill S-tjT m I I' M y , -it MHBBHn i Sonic of the most comical speeches coma from tliu little ones. The other day we heard a Utile girl who had boon down town say thai she had seen a horse which had tiie croup or (lie whooping cough she didn't know which. She hud heard the voice ol a mule Moating on tins breo.e. Curtain Sophmoros are in the habit of relying upon the promptings of their classmates. Some astonishing informa tion is .sometimes elicited. The class was assured the oilier day that Homer was the greatest orator of antiquity and that Hits fame of Uly&sos resulted chiefly from his excellence as a cook. Miss Rogers and her pupils are prepar ing to give an Operetta, entitled "Snow drop" or vnur"Sctnco-Tropfcn." It will be given aboul (he 2."itli. All who have been present at any entertainment given by Miss Rogers know thai the coming entertainment will bo something worth hearing. The Capitol bill will proably pass. The people of Lincoln will feel easier after this passes. It will bottle Hie permanent location of the Capital. The students will also rejoice, as it is no insignificant privilege to be able to attend the meet ings of the Legislature. The Palladian society had its meeting on Saturday evening the Sth, as Prof. Col lier's lecture came oil' on Friday evening. The Union had no meeting. The Union had a meeting the week buloiu and the Palladian had none. A niiuiVrof mem. bers of eacli society improved this oppor tunity to visit the other. It seems to be conclusively proved by the investigation that students of differ, out sexes have been seen on the streets alter dark, In view of ibis fact Hie Jlcr rtWand Jtcpuhltcun I'nntiealiy call upon the mothers, and lathers of Iho State not to send iheir children to such a hotbed of iniquity. AVo are holding our breath, awaiting further developments. Wo paid a visit to the Tiehonor House Literary Society the other evening. The Society is in a llourshing condition, and we noticed several who seem quite back, ward in our societies held in the Univer sity, taking a prominent part in the ox cruises. It will, on this account, lie pro. duutlvu of much good. The only thing needed is a more thorough knowledge of parliameiitaiy rules. Prof. Collier's lectures were a big suc cess. They were all welcomed by crowded houses. The legislature at tended in a body. The secret of iho Prof's thawing qualities is thai while theie is food lor the scientific mind, the many brilliant experiments interest those who do not so readily comprehend their scientific meaning. A high license bill was introduced and passed in the Senate, the provisions of which apply to all but Professors of this University. At least thai is what thev say. Van Wyck introduced the amendment, making this exception, in a spirit ol fun, and the Senate, probably disgusted at the pains taken by the investigating commit tee to inquire into the Profs' private hab its, adopted it by about a Iwo-thirds vote. The following persons have given in their subscriptions in the last two months. Do likewise. C. V. Cadman, Gilbert Tuttle, A. 1). Gilbert, Prof. Me.Millian, A. W. Field, N. Z. Snell, Prof. Culberlson, .1. II. Worley, J. Suiait Dales, i M. Wimburly, JUis. Bullock, C M.JSiiHtorday, I). II. Wheeler, Willluu. Khiiudhcig, Lu Ella Harlow, Geo. Ilawloy.T. II. Loavitt, II A. ttnsigu, J. L. Hurch, and L. J..lohiison. Our .Junior editor-in chief is galliu.t bul lie is not much used to music, lie undertook to turn the music for a young lady the other evening. The first lime he was too late and she hud to turn it herself, the next time he was determined to turn it in time and she was compelled to turn back. He began to perspire, and when