Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 01, 1879, Page 40, Image 16
10 l.OOAIi MOWS. VOL. VIII, . 1.41 ,l lit, i.l 'i .It v 1 31 LOG AT. NEWS. Bad cold. Dot so wiii'b. Join tho Lccluru ssooiation. Hotter late than never one dollar a year. "The biter bitten" has boon suporooodod by "The investigator investigated. When you write to our Bus Man don't leave oil' the signs of abbreviation. An envious fellow says a play on words is not pun-gent humor. The Physics class took a rest while Professor Collier was delivering his loo. lures. Professor Church has ornamented his room with a number ol illustrations of the excavations in Italy. He has also several maps lepresenting the topogra phy of Home and vicinity. The Horace class is translating tho odes into English verse. Some of the of. forts are very creditable, showing con siderable poetic talent. Some ono suggests that tho Looluio As sociation could have made a good thing by getting tho investigating commilte tin. dor their control and charging adutision to tho spectators. It wouldn't have been a bad idea. The Studi:nt has increased its receipts and dooroabod its expenditures until it is about to cast oil" the last vestige of the debt under which it has boon laboring. Give it a lift by sending in your subscrip tion. The Palladians have a committee haul at work on a new constitution. If they have a boiler society after its adoption than they have now they will have to have an addition lo their hall, for every meeting now brings a ciowdod house. Lessons were below the aveiage Friday niornuig the 7lh, owing to the ProhibU lion bill. We observed a largo number of students at the Capitol during the final discussion of the bill. It was defeated by a vota of thirly.nhio ayes to forty nays. We have boon severely criticised for not having a personal column. In sell defonse wo will say that instructions were given to tho foreman to arrange tho per sonals separate but by some misunder standing, it was not done in tiio last issue. Wo are all right this time. Owing to tho investigation now iji prog ross students and professors seem general ly demoralized. Tho professors aie kepi until midnight nearly ovcy evening and sometimes later than that lime. The .sin dents also are pretty regular in their at tendance, .somewhat to tho detriment ol their studios. "Ye local" rendered good service din ing Prof. Collier's, lecture by standing on a gas bag and turning the air pump. Our only thought was lo please the public anil never but once did a fooling that our duties wore irksome cross our mind, then only for a moment when tho Piol. thoughtlessly threw some scintillation, of melted Won down our back. It naturally called to mind tho rhyme Ilitlo a btluk-lnn-Mo To Il.ii bury crocs, when a young lady forgot to put down the seat al the Opera House tho other evening and sat down on the cross piece and the space behind it. She rose, re ported progress and begged loavo lo sit again. Two new microscopes have been pro. euied for Prof. Aughoy's use in the de partment of Natural Science. They are alike, each magnifying J100 diameters or 1)0,000 times, and iho regular price is $tr for a single microscope and fixture. They were pencilled at a i eduction fioin the regular price. Another has been ordered which will magnify MO'000 times or oOO diameteis, the price ol nhjdi is !?00.