Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 01, 1879, Page 39, Image 15

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From what and lo what place matters
little, the instinct is universal. We know
some people, .Mr. Editor, wiiom wo would
like to see run away some where and stay
there (mover. Do you V
The Student's Journal contained an
original and recherche essay entitled
"Koran, Tribute or Swotd." The Facul
ty raised the grade, at which students
could pass, to 75 per cent and published
the names of the delinquents upon the
bulletin board. One poor unfortunate
expresses himself thus:
"Sciittur tliu mows lit brutik ofilny,
TulltiiK thu students both hum mill tiuuy.
That tlio Faculty Its lut term's vuj;os did
Tlion rookluxsly liiuatud thuin nil In biillntln
The Gurthaijinian contains interesting
descriptions of scenes in California. The
locals were an improvement upon those
of last month.
The Ariel greets us with a sombre poem
a hi Yountj entitled "Midnight Musutgs."
Tito "musings" wore of course upon the
old year and tho birth of the new. The sub
ject was trite, the style still more so. The
essay on Sydney Carton was above the
average, and one of its sentences should
bo copied into every collego paper in the
country. "Sydney Carton's life tenches
us that those few years, so short, arc yet
all we havo to work out the problems of
an eternity, and where every deed, once
done can never be recalled, and every
moment parsed is gone lorover; that
nothing is mote sad than a life full of
worthless impotoncies,of unattaiued pos
sibilities, a mournful might have been."
One of the most original production?
that we have ever seen in a college paper
was the Ariel's operatic farce: "The
Squelched Petition." It reminded us (if
Franco has !2o!2 colleges.
Sanskrit is laughl at Koohclot Uuiver.
At Harvard they havo in prospect an
'jlcctlve course in Chinese.
There are 400 colleges in the United
Slates, in which !1,700 Professors arc em
ployed. Tho attendance at Ann Arbor this year
is 1,!H0. The Freshman class numbers
108, the largest ever entered.
In the State Normal School alOshkosh
the young Indies are required lo learn the
elements of military drill.
Among the students at Vassar College
are two Japanese damsels, Miss Shigc
Nagte and Miss Stemaly Yanaganer.
The people of Detroit havo promised
$50,000 to purchase a telescope for Michi
gan University It is lo bo tho largest in
tlto world.
Prof. Mux Mullor shows his interest in
the education of girls, by founding a
scholarship for them at Oxford, witli an
investment, of $15,000.
Harvard and Princeton Colleges will
give tho degree of M. A. only to those
who take a special post graduate course
of one year and then pass a rigid exami
nation. Harvard win soon boast of tlte linost
gymnasium in the country. Its erection
will cost $50,000. Tho Alumni have sub
scribed $10,000 for sending tlto 'Vorsity
crew to England.
Ohcrliu has experienced a sensation.
A Prop, was seen on lite street tho other
day with a clean collar on. Tito Faculty
called a meeting immediately and will
proceed to take suitable action.
The Faculty at Trinity voted that all
matter published in tho Tablet and Ivy ha
first submitted lo tlto Prof, of English Lit
erature. Tito editors of tho Tablet replied
that they would discontinue publication
rather than su mill, and the Faculty
backed down.