t ' ,. I NEBRASKA STATE UNIVERSITY. IJX1VE1CSBTY FACUI.TY. E. B. FAIRFIELD. S. T. J). LI.. I) , Olmnoollor H. E. HITCHCOCK, A. M.. Prof, or Mathematics Dcnn of OoIIoko of Literature and Science. S. AUGUHY, A. M. Pit, D.. Prof, of Natural Sciences. ciKo. McMillan, a. m.. Prof, of (frock Limguago nut! Lltornture. U. E CIIUIICII, A. M., Prof, of Latin Language mid Literature. HIRAM COLLIER A.M. L. 'L 1). . Professor of Chemistry and Physio. KDGAK S. DUDLEY. Professor of Military Science find Tactics. HARRINGTON EMERtaON, A. M., Prof, ol Moilurn Languages. G. E. WOODBERRY, A. B., Prof, of Khotoric, EiiRllhh Literature, and HUtory G. E. BAILEY, A. B., Asfelstant Professor In Chemistry. HARVEY CULBERTSON, B. A. , Teacher of A gi (culture. ELLEN SMITH, A. M., Instructor In Latin anil Greek. C B. PALMER, A. M., Principal of tho Latin School Department. IJX1VI3KS1TY OF XEBKASKA ADMIhlON. Students of both potp arc admitted to tho Uni versity on pii88lii the ie(iuisHoxamlnatioit)p Tl'ITION. A foe of $5 is paid an a matriculation fee. nlao $2 to meet Incident ill cpoiitf Book at cost. APPARATUS AND LIBRARY. Tho University 1b abundantly supplied with now and valuable Apparatus, 1n both the Choml- cal and Philosophical department. Tito Library, already largo, is lncronslnR annually, bj tho addi tion ol valuable books. Ai.lUUULIURAL COLLEGE. This Oollqgp now offers special attractions, by its course oniibtructlou anil compensated labor on tlio farm, whereby ttndout oxponsos may be paid. BOARDING. Hoarding can bo had from $11 to $1 per. week. CALENDAR. The Winter Term commences Jan. 2, 1870. The Spring " " March 27,1870. For ciroulars and other information in respect to University, addrcfee. M E.B. FAIRFIELD, Chancellor, ' Lincoln, Neb V