KHMHIHM 111 : I l I ' I i U i ! I i .r. t IIUTUIIINH C. 1). HYATT HUTOHINS & HYATT, Dealers In Wood, Hard ami Soft Coal. OPKICK AND YAltl), it Slrrtli In .iniri'trait J'irtii Olllre, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. T. EWING & CO. Wholusiilo mid Itutuil Duiilurri In Olotliln ami FuriilNhlnn GoocIh. Hals, Caps, Trunks & Valises No. r O street, Lincoln, Xeb. TUTTLE & DOOLITTLE, Dealers in Lumber, Mfoorn, H lazed Sash, Minds, ,Houldlnys and Itutldiny Material Generally. Olllcu Cur. 11th te M trH, Next ilour U. S. Land OIllco, Lincoln, Nub. The Koyal Path of Life. Life is a "pathway," and whatever may throw light on that path, and make brighter the journey, is worthy of our hearty embrace. "The Koyal Path of Life" is well adapted to do this. Il is a book that ought to be read by everybody in the land. Agents wanted all over the state to in troduee this noble work. Orders also taken for "Webster's Dictionary. Address, P. jl. Hanniual, Gen. Ag't. Lincoln, Neb. Liberal reduction to students. A. E. II AUG REAVES. Bookseller, Stationer, Newsdealer AND JOIUSKlt OF Fruits, Oysters, Confections, Nuts, etc., etc ES-Full H0t8 of Croiiuut mill llnnu Uiv'.lS Iinptcniuutri. Lincoln, Nebraska. J. FAllitlKIC. a itov j:ii, I am selling goods for cash and have reduced prices on the same, from 5 2o per cent. No. si, u Stjiket. Lincoln, Nimiuaska. j:d a. church. Dealer In WALL PAPER, Window Glass, and Artist's Materials. Opposite OPEN A HOUSE, LINCOLN, NUM. MAJOR &. 350YE1C, Proprietors of Oommerciul and North Sido Markets Dealers in MKA.TS, POULTRY and WILD GAM B Cash piild Tor stock. Lincoln, Nkii. LtiDWITIt & MKXL.OVK, Dealers in Coal, Hard and So1 Wood. Proprietors of CONGRESS LIVERY STABLES. Cor. P it 11 tli (jtrectH Lincoln, Nkii. CHARLES STAKLKK. Cuttor, Fitter mid Tailor, Suits of All Kinds Made to Order, In tliu Intent styles, nml satlf fncilon guaranteed, Clothes cleaned repaired on short notice, AM) AT TIIK MOST ISBAtfONAIII.K IIATKs. 'Mh St. between X b 0, South side HffiffiMraSSlSIISSfSS