p;" . , SOGIETIKS. $ PALLADIA N LITERARY SOCIETY ! 'Winn .Utntln .Kir run 7;f." Meet. overs Friday Hveninj;, at tlieir Hall in the University. They altoinpt to present a pleasing pro gramme. The public generally arc in vitcd. J. II. Silvj'unail. Pres'l. D. II. Whkelbk jr., Sec'y. UNIVE1CSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY ! "SyllnblfM tlocrrn fic If7rrf.) Meetings Everj' Friday livening- In the Union Hall, Third Floor. Literary performances every meeting consisting of Debate, Orations, Essays Recitations, etc. A cordial invitation extended to strangers. J. S. BniDKUAUOH, Pios't. Jessie Paukkk, Sko. SS'-lJKFOUB YOU 1IUY.52 Please Examine the Goods and Prices OF (mt'cenbaum, Schroder S Co. DEALEUS IN IMfcY CSOODS and NOTIONS. 0 Street, near the Opera House, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. WILLIAM DEVEREAUX. ftlniiiifaeliirer of Fine Cin;rH AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, lnrf Smokers' ,lrllclcs of all Oescripllona, Olllco mid salesroom under State National Jtank Factory and Warerooms three doors oBt of Opera House. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA BOIIANAN 1SIIOS. l'roprlotors of LIVERY ib EXCHANGE STABLES. Sign of Black Horse. Aim l'roirlctor8 of Central ,lKcat llarket. O Shoot, oji-iohitu Tost Olllco Lincoln, Nk. TAlLOlt & M1TGI11SLL. DKALEltS IN meats, poultry, game, etc Oi'KiiA House makkkt, con. 12 & 0 Sta. -I. M. DA VIS, Wholesale and Jlotall Dealer In Carpels, Oil CIoIIik, Itnpi, Mat, UViulotcxIm- , J. nee Vurlnhm Jtnnmtl; b'c. tCr, No. 2JJ, E. 0 Street, Lincoln r..TT''I " '