Till. OttMIN OP LANGUAGE. VOI,. VIII, main the sum total of what wo know of the laws ol iiuturc, docs not reveal her secrets by a voice from henven, but she yields them only to the patient imd labor ious investigutor. Language wus a dis covery, not u gift4: But while these wri. ters deny the divine origin of language in any spccinl sense, most of them admit divine supervision and providence in en dowing man with the needful faculties, and surrounding him with the needful tnuterials and motives for speech. In a word, as man provided himself wi'h shcl. ter, food and clothing, so he provided himself with language. To account for the beginnings of speech from an exclusively liumrn source, there are two received theories, in fact three, if we include that of Farrar which attempts a reconciliation of these two. They have respectively received, each from the op. ponents of the other, the somewhat felici. tious nick-names, the " ding (long" and "pooh pooh" or " bow-wow" theory. One theory holds that speech is the result of a spontaneous and unconscious eil'ort, the other, just the opposite, that speech is a voluntary conscious contrivance, a means to an end. One holds that man was never in a euvugn stale of mutism, the other that he slowly, after a long pupilage, emerged from such a state. The ding, dong theory denies that lucre was any conversation or argument among vn whereby certain sounds were accepted as the signs of thoughts and tilings; and it afllrms that thoughts and things echoed in sounds distinctively intelligible to primeval man. The bow-wow theory re jects this notion, that sounds of them, selves express sense, and maintains that by hearing and imitating sounds in na ture, and by instinctive cries, men came to a mutual understaullng by which they accepted certain sounds as signs for pur. poses of communication. The ding-dong theory owes its present form to Prof. Iloyso of Berlin, as published since his deatli by Dr. Stointhal. It has been elaborated in the works of Dr. Stein- thai and warmly defended by him. This is essentially the theory of Max Mullcr, Bunsen, and appears in the speculations of Dr. Bushncl, and others. The theory is stated thus by Max Mul ler in his Science of Language, first series. "There is a law which runs through nearly the whole of Nature that every thing which is struck rings. We can tell the more or less perfect structure of met als by their vibrations by the answers which they give. Gold rings diiTorently from tin, wood rings dill'erently from stone; and dillcront sounds arc produced according to the nature of each percus sion. It was the same with man, the most highly oiginized of nature's works. Man in the primitive and perfect state was endowed not only, like the brute, with the power of expressing his sensa tions and his perceptions by onomato pcula; but he possessed likewise the fac ulty of giving more articulate expression to the rational conceptions of his mind. This facultv gave to each conception as it thrilled for the first time through the brain a phonetic expression." Farrar ex. presses the theory more literally as fol lows. "At the origin of humanity the soul and body were in such natural do pendance that all the emotions of the soul had their echo in the bod, princi pally in the organs of respiration and in the voice. This sympathy of soul and body, still lound in the infant and in the savage was intimate and fruitful in the primitive man. Such an intuition awoke an accent or a sound." As thus staled it will lie seen how aptly the theory is styled tho ding-dong theory. It reprc aunts man as originally a bell, and when an idea struck him he naturally rang. "We wonder," says Prof. Whitney, "it was not. added that, like other bells, he naturally rang by the tongue." When carefully examined, this is but tile old Plutonic theory in a new dress. Words are regarded as types of objective realities ; not only as signs of things, but aa in 6omo way partaking the nature and f ar