NO. 1. I.OCAIi NKW8. 11 Owen Q. Adams is present to attend the University this term. W. O. Kidell is teaching near Bennet. lie will return in the Spring. Prof. Wincliell spent an hour the day alter his lecture, looking through Prol. Collier's department in particular and the University in general. The Sophmores have adopted the use of canes as a class distinction. A Sopho. more is now irreverently alluded toby the Freshmen as a jack of clubs. " The societies are profiting by the ses. sion of the Legislature in obtaining live questions for debate. The Union decided at their last meeting that i reform school should not be established in the State. Mr. Leslie Burch, a graduute of the Normal School, has entered the Universi ty. Send 'em along; we are always glad to supplement the work of the Normal by the more extended course of the Uni versity. C. Mill Eastcrdny is attending the law department of the University of Iowa. Just such talented men as Mr. Easterday we need at home; wouldn't it be in order to organize a law department here? Show the cllect of tho educational ad vantages you possess by subscribing at Ionce lor the Student, "Wo all dispise a man too narrow minded to take a news paper. Don't prove youseli that kind or an individual by failing to support your college paper. Don't be alarmed ! The cow in the urn. scum has not been resuscitated nor is the University haunted. It's only Prof. Col. ( "Her preparing for his lecture. We will back the Prof with any amount desired as the most expert man on the continent at making unearthly noises. Any takers? Mr. Finch was in the city again last week, lecturing to crowded houses; there is no one who can draw such a house as he. Dr. Miller, of the Omaha Jforahl, n- so delivered a lecture against prohibition which was pretty successfully answered by Mr. Finch. Mr. Finch goes from kcre to Biownvillc. Who wouldn't be a Cadet? The Cadets all received an invitation to attend the anual reception, given, January lfi by the Union Club, with tho special request that they attend in uniform. Let those who escaped the military instruction of the University no more look down with con tempt on brass buttons and blue coats. They didn't get an invitation, and we do not care if they did n't. Several of the Cadets attended, and reported that they passed a most enjoyable evening. The Junior organization went off all right until it came to the question of badges, when each young lady thought of hor hat and mentally resolved to die rath pr than have a color that would n't match. The contest was exciting for a time but blue finally came out ahead. Still, " A woman convinced against her will &e," and the boys are trying to .iccidc whether to give up the organization or buy each young lady a hat trimmed in blue. Tho Elementary German class has to get up in the morning now. The recita tion begins at eight and the door is closed at 8-05. The first morning when the time to lock the door came, it was found that Prof, was absent. The class prorccdo ac cording to regulations locking the door and appointing a teacher pro tern. Prof, spoiled the cllect of the whole thing how ever by not coming and trying to gel in. He gave a satisfactory exctisc for his ab sence the next day and has been at no time lnte since. If you have not subscribed make it a point to give the Bus. Man. a dollar as soon as you meet him or can hunt him up. We want the subscription os every student for at least one copy and as many more as you teel able to send to your friends. It is a duty of every student to help support the college journal, both by money and brains contributed. Only a HRnUMM .