Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 01, 1879, Page 15, Image 15

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    f NO. 1.
editor's table.
tlonnl stylo that characterises the lutter.
The Alabama University Monthly cspec
iiilly compliments our local columns, us
being "well selected anil written, with a
full share of originality of thought ami
expression " "Well merited praise.
The Jewell we welcome this month for
the last time. " Hard times" make it
necessary to discontinue the paper. Wo
sincerely regret that circumstances make
this step advisable, while wo agree with
the Business Manager that it is not wise
to run in debt.
O ArcJiangcll Thou art well named,
thy poetical ebullitions, thy ilowery epi
thets, thy high flown, rhetorical phrases
are lilting accompaniments to the doll
faced celestial, who adorns thy title
page, and whose wings are emblematic
of thy aspiring genius!
A young lady about to marry a farmer
remarked : "O well, you know Eve mar
ried a gardener!" She forgot to add
that oil account of the mutch, he lost his
At u church where there was u call for
a minister, two candidates appeared
whose names were Adam and Low. The
latter preached from this text; "Adam,
where art thou?" In the evening Adam
preached from the words, "Lo, here am I."
"Fellow citizens," said a local candi
date, "there arc three topics that now agi
tato the state greenbacks, taxes and the
penitentiary. I shall pass over the first
two as my sentiments arc well known,
and come to the peniteniary where I
shall dwell for some time."
The Seniors serenaded the Ladies Sem
inary and out of thirteen pet cats twelve,
through sheer envy, commitied suicide.
Tho remaining one it is needless to say
is deaf.
Said a frolicsome student to the tavern
boy; "Hoy, take this quadruped, extricate
him, stabulutc him, and donate him an
adequate supply of nutritious aliment,
and when aurora gilds the eastern hori
zon, I will give thee an adqeuatc compen
sation for thy kind attentions." Boy
stops behind the screen; "Master, Dutch
man at do doe'." Ex.
The first college journal was published
at Dartmouth in 1801).
The campus of Cornell University is to
be illuminated with electric lights.
Oxford University is about ten cen
turies old and has an income of $1,000,000.
Trust him little who smilingly praises
all alike, him less who sneeringlj' cen
sures all alike, him leust who is coldly
i ml liferent to all alike.
The Students of the Northwestern Uni
versity have published a song book of 128
pages. "Without exception the best
local song book ever publishei'."
At Amherst tho proportion of Profcs.
sors to Students is about one to fourteen ;
at Princeton, one to eighteen ; at Yale,
one to ten; at Lafayette, one to nine.
Leipsic is tho "city of books." It has
forty seven printing houses having 17.10
employes. There are 258 bookselling
firms, having business connections with
about 3500 houses out of Leipsic.
The University of Virginia has been of
fered a fifty thousand dollar telescope, on
condition thai sixty thousand dollars be
raised to build the Observatory and en
dow the Observer's chair.
Silvcroid is the name of a new compo
sition which has just been introduced in
America in the manufacture of table-ware
It has u fine texture, is susceptible of a
high polish, and, it is said, can be sup
plied at a much less cost than anything
heretofore used as a substitute for real