mil inainwim 14 KDITOIl'S TA11LK. VOL. VIII in connection with our courses of study and now an effort is mndo to obtain tliein And if (lie Association meets witli success it will doubtless remain permanent among the students of the University. EDITOR'S TABLE. O birds front out the oast, 0 tilnls from out tliu W08t, Have yo foiiml that happy sanctum in all your weary (juo St J Tell mo, loll mi) nro thuro editors whoso brows uro free from euro J Can yo show nni, wlillo all round mo, ghostly phantoms 111! tho air. Any picture of a eanctum wlnho tho associate's heart's at rest J Can yotoll mo of that haum, O jo bird- from out tho west? O little birds ily oast again. 0 llttlo birds ily w est ; Yc lmve found jio happy sanctum in nil your weary qiiust. ThrruVno such spot beneath tho sky, uhoro editors blithe and gay With beads all cool and hearts all light, iihiiu on their joyful way. There lietb no such sanctum within the college's bound, Nor hath the editor's fancy jot its bHful por tals found. Wo arc but amateurs asyot,ln our Alma Mater's balls, And amid our gloomy musings, tho sharp olco of duty calls; Thnt shrill stem olco, houid above tho Local's clamorous din, Saying: "Arouso yo! dull associate, tho o.- changes are all in. The wreath of famo waits for those who wull do win tliu light. Who work through all thoircollogo course, ar.d battle with tholr might: Beyond aro no exchanges, nor any hotting of typo. Hut only plenty of fun and a Krudiiatlng dross of white; Hcst for you, poor weary soul, lies only In com- ing years, When no longer associate, a diploma will dry your tears I" Tlie Hiyh School Journal, in wishin" all its readers a Happy Now Year, re" marks ajol istica Ily, thai no doubt, to a considerable number, the thought that during the past year they have not sub scribed to the Journal, will produce pangs of regret! Tito local columns were chielly tilled up with notices of balls and parties etc., together with the the names of thos1 present. Pungent wit and liveliness, the presiding genius of many of the local columns among our exchanges, were noticably absent. Prom- inent upon the first page waa a lengthy poem entitled New Years: so that Omaha, that "prodigy of towns," that "civic Her eulos," has at hist a poct(?) The Asbury Monthly we find for the first time upon our table. The leading editorial is a just rebuke to college maga. zincs for tho pointless witticisms, and taunting sarcasms found among the ex changes. There were interesting Alumni personals but no review notices. Tho exchange columns of the West minster Monthly consist principally of a cutting extract from tho University Mis sourian, followed by a very undignified rejoinder. The "childish mumskulls," who pretend to run that "dilapilated old concern," would do well to practise what thoy so snreastically(?) preach, and re strain their "babyish anger," for their "childish irqtioaks and prattle," brimful of "imbecility and stupidity," don't by any means crush their adversary but (lis. grace their own magazine. The Jiurkclcyun comes to us with tho most solid local columns ol any of our exchanges. We looked in vain for wit or Silly personals. Tho retiring editors said in their valedictory, that "much was left undone, much remained for.tho fut uro editors to do." A humiliating con cession truly, fur the Seniors of tho Uni vursity of California. The bright lads and lasses of our Alma Mater will, we feel sure, from present indications, never lotire with so inoloncholy a farewell. In reading through any of tho exchanges, ono may doled instantly, what is written by the gentleman editors, and what by the ladles; from the unpleasant convorsa-