V V NO. nEIIIND THE SCENES. 480 MWMIlMKlttlllM-. II IIWIMiSiilT Every day men arc heard abusing tit is or that political party; not merely for the Mike of strengthening their own party, hut because they really believe that they are attacking 11 great evil. Why do such men not consider, that their own opinions were formed by circumstances; and that the opinions of members of the other paity were formed by di lie rent circum stances? In choosing his party, the son follows the father, unless some extraordi nary circumstance occurs, unless some influence more powerful than a father's example is brought to bear upon him. Hence wc see the folly of the abuse or ill feeling that originates in convictions of right and wrong. Each party judges the other from its own stand point, and neglects the causes which led its oppo nent to a different course. This want of consideration, this failure to allow for in direct influences is the source of much bitterness among men, and the cause of our lack of faitli in humauitv. K. BEHIND THE SCENES. We visited the theatre. We marvelled at the shilling scenes. Now there is presented to our gaze a view of a forest; we see giant trees, centuries old, which bid bold defiance to wind and weather. Between their gnarled and knotted trunks, pendant with shaggy bark, we catch the gleam of distant water. We can almost hear the hoot of the owl, the caw of the crow, and inhale the perfume of the pun nyroyal. But the scene changes, and grand old Ocean is brought before us. "The breaking aun clash high On a stern and rock-bound coast." And they lash into wild waste and wreck the white-sailed ship with its freight of human souls. And again the scene changes, and in mind we mingle with the crowd that throng the streets of the city. Now it is a bar-room scene. The drunken rioters and the leering glances of the beastly sot suggest the need of a Mr. Pinch and a red ribbon movement. Again, it is a picture of by-gone days. In the backgiound is a sunny sky. Against this is a grim turret of a still grimmer catle, with its moat and draw bridge. Before this, beneath the arches of the ancient elms, are brave knights and fair ladies. The former, elad in arms and armor, arc seated upon fiery steeds. The latter, clad in long, narrow dress waists and immense rulls, look charming, and arc giving tosebuds to their noble lords. So it continues. One scene after an other, as the necessities of the actors re quire, is placed before our wondering and admiring vision. But what is be hind the footlights and tinsel, the gilding and glare? Wc step behind the scenes and are confronted by cold, damp, bare, walks ropes and pullies. Yet over all this piesides a master mind. The stage master understands it all. He pulls the ropes, adjusts the pullies, manages the machinery, and out of confusion brings forth beautiful and harmonious action. We step out into the starless night and with music still ringing in our cars and light still gleaming in oureyes,we can eas ily imagine "All the world's a stage," and how magnificently grand is the scenery. How infinitely beautiful, and at times how perfectly awful, are the pictures wc behold. Nature is constantly presenting scenes to us, and these are ever changing and shifting. We have sunrise and sun set, night and day. Now spring is before us, only to be followed by summer, with its harvests and brilliant Mowers. This gives pi nee to autumn, who comes to us trailing over idl the earth, a robe of many colors. Perchance she is nature's best beloved. But winter reigns, and the pic. tine of the seasons is completed only to be produced again. Sometimes the scene is an awful earthquake, or hurricane. Sometimes it is a calm, or a rain. In the sky arc curious and beautiful pictures; rainbows, northern lights, and eclipses. rF" ",' 1 '.!. 1 r iwk.!SilSK0tlMtiBlUSltSn!ilSS&itKUBsBm ?.." 1