J. r. IIUIUI1IN5 C. 1). II r ATT HUTOHINS & HYATT, Dealer In Wood, Hard mi Soft Coal. OI'l'IOK AND YAHD, O ftli-ffty in .tinerican J2-prtMt etnift. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. T. EWING & CO. WholuMilo mid Itotnll Dealers In Clothlnc and I'lirnlttlilng Cioodn. Hats, Caps, Trunks &. Valises No. 5 O St root, Lincoln, Xeb. TUTTLE & DOOLITTLE, Dealers in Lumber, Doors, Glazed Satih, Ulinds, JfottltliitfjH and Mlulldlng Material Generally. OPko Cor. 11th & M str, Next door U. S. Land Offlce, Lincoln, Neb. A. B. II AUG HEAVES. Itookfccllcr, Stationer, Xewsdcaler AND J01UIEK OF Fruits, Oysters, Confections, NuLs,clc.,ctc tSSTVuW eots of Croiiiut and Kaeo I!a!lJEl Implements. Lincoln, Nebraska. J. FAKIMKIl. otto an it. I am selling goods for cash and have reduced prices on the same, from 3 (a 2o per cunt. No. l. O Stueet. Lincoln, Neiiuaska. GO TO MM. BMIOIV.S Barber Sliop for MiM elns 1IATR CUTTING and fash ion abl e SHAVING. Haiu cutting for 25cs. Shaving for lOcts EAST SIDE THE SQUA11E, LINCOLN, NEB. DAVE A. BAUM, COMMERCIAL PRINTER. .no. t,0 St., ill D. fc 0. L. Damn's Hardware- istoru. STUDENTS tond il etc. Tor a pack of latct ftyli& of card, with your iimne neatly printed on them. ED A. CHUltCII. Dealer In WALL PAPER, Window Gluts, and Artist's Materials. Opposite OI'EHA HOUSE, LINCOLN, NKII. MAJOll A; BOYEK, Proprietors of Commercial and North Stdo Markets Dealer in MEATS, POULTRY and WILD GAME. Cach paid for stock. Lincoln. Neii. LEUWITH A: MRM.0VK, Dealer in Coal, MMard and Son Wood. Proprietors of CONGRESS LIVERY STABLES. Cor. P ,t lltli ctreetH Lincoln, Neb. CHARLES STABLER. Cutter, I'lttor and Tailor, Sulti of All Kinds Made to Order, In the latest styles, and tutlnfacliou guaranteed, Clothes cleaned repaired on short notice, AND AT TIIK JJOhT UEAfeONAHLC ItATEK. Mh St. Oeiiceen A' cfc 0, South tide