no; l.OCAli NEWS. VOL VII, 'J i- ! I I Frank Parks lias proem ed u pair of foils and masks and now every student wilh ducllistio propensities is learning to fence. Even tlio young ladies are devcl oping a tasto for il, and some have, al ready acquired considerable proficiency. The friends in the University of Miss Phrebo Wcstover will be surprised lo loam that she has suddenly become Small. The operation was performed by the Rev. Mr. Cadwallader, and the happy man is Mr. G. F. Small of Yankee Hill. The Student wishes Mr. and Mrs. Small the full realization of their fonder desires. We dropped in the oilier evening to have a little chat with Dan Wheeler and (Jlcm Chase, and weie very much struck wilh the appearance of their room. We don't remember of having seen so finely a decorated room in a long time. The walls are eoveied wilh boxing gloves, foils, masks, canes, pictures, brackets, etc. arranged so as to produce a neat and ar. tistic cflecl. A good many bright thoughts ought to be generated among such pleas ant surroundings. Last Friday evening the Palhulians elected their ollicors for next term. The Palhulians are all politicians and their elections are worth seeing. After a spir ited contest, the following officers were declared elected. President, . I. II Silver nail; Vice President, Geo, McLean; Rcc. Secretary, D. II. Wheeler, jr.; Cor. Secre tary, .Million; Critic, ,1. C. F, Mc Kesson; Treasurer, E P Unangst ; Ohois ter, Geo. Hartman ; Historian, R. R. Davis; Usher, D. II. Mercer. The Palhulians have purchased a very handsome grand, upright Emerson piano, and thus one of the Society's bright dreams has been realized. With this ad dition the Palladian Hall presents a very attractive appearance and we doubt if there is anothe'r so tine a room devoted to a hue purpose in (he State. The Society is under great obligation to Mr. Prescott, the state agent for the Emerson piano, for the large reduction made in the price of the instrument, the Society securing il for its exact cost. The Tattler, a weekly paper edited by one of the literary societies, has become quite a feature of literary ability, the wil, sarcasm, and vituperation, that it con tains, has become a terrible weapon in the journalistic field. The high, the low, the great and the small, it assails alike Even before the stern visage of the editor, of the Student it remains undaunted Rui buries upon them its sharp missels with out respect to size, age, color, goodness, beauty, or sex. We hereby give notice that unless it reforms inunediatly, it shall receive a challenge for a duel or as the earliest date possible, a notice of libel suit for damages. The soiree given by Miss Rogers and her pupils at the Palladia!) hall, was a very pleasant and well attended affair. The pupils showed evidences of careful training and practice. The selections were good and as a rule excellently ren dered. The chorus by the class was very line, as was the singing by Misses Cora Doolittle and Tillie Funk. The instru mental pieces by Miss Sessions and Mr. Stetson were good, ami Miss Sessions by her delicate and sympathetic touch showed herself a skillful pianist. Miss Rogers sang several selections wilh her usual grace and skill. Altogether it whs a very pleasant affair, and we hope it may bo repeated at no very distant day- It was a Junior who had worked him self to a fever heat over the last Student election. The night before that even! ctmo off, he dreamed that the new cata logue had just come out. The Sophs, Freshies and Preps, were classified as they usually are, but the Seniors and Jun iors were divided into two classes on the basis of their deportment. The first divis. ion or the "good ones" were designated as "Univcrsitophili," but in it were found only thy names of our patiiairhnl Senior and two ladies whom our distinct-