Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1878, Page 501, Image 20

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VOL. Vlt,
done every tiling in their power for in
lienehment, and ut the same time to man
lain tlio pnper in its present size; still,
something further must ho ventured to
lift mi indebtedness that remains, swollow
ing month by month the biirplus funds of
the Association.
How this shall he accomplished re
mains unsolved. The lectures that have
fiequently been give in behalf of the As
sociation, have been, either because of the
lime in which they were delivered, or be
because of mismanagement, very unfor
tunate. Festivals, and theatrical entertain
ments arc themselves troublesome and ex
pensive to an extreme A contest seems to
')o the only agent that can arouse the am
bition of the students; and yet so busy
ire students with their work that it is al
most impossible to arouse them to a sense
of tl'ity that all owe to a college paper.
. Mnt something must be done, something
will be done; and we give warning to the
friends and readers of the Studknt, in
Lincoln, to look out erelong for one of
the grandest treats of the season. The
Board are at last determined and decided.
And though our term of oflice is about to
expire, we will not take with us this
spirit of determination but will place it
on file for the Board, that is to be ushered
in the first of January. "We think we see
them now far, far away. They are stu
dents of energy and ability, they mean
business, they have lire in their eyes, and
"they strike straight from the shoulder."
Every day brings us nearer together. We
wait impatiently.
The following rules to be observed in
preparing mnnusciipt for publication,
are so important that we could not for
bear inserting them in the columns of the
Student. When followed, they save
many a marred sentence, a disproportion
atoly long paragraph, or a typographical
en or.
1, Leave one page of each leaf blank.
2, Arrange your copy In paragraphs as
you wish it to appear in print.
8, Begin the first line of each paragraph
further in from the margin of the sheet
than in the case of other lines.
1, If you wisli a woid or line to appear
in italics, draw one line under it; if in
small capitals, draw two Hues below.
5, To dividu a paragraph, mark a large
J, with the point turned backward, where
you wisli the division made.
0, Carefully review your copy, and sec
that it is punctuated rightly; have all the
words correctly spelled, the i's all dotted
and the t's crossed.
7, Use no abbreviations that are not to
appear in print.
8, Write legibly and neatly.
To these we may add that when un
sized paper is used, care should be taken
that the handwriting be not too line, nor
the lines too clone together.
If independence of character is sonic
tiling to be admired, it ou'jht to exhibit
itself on those occasions that put it to the
test. Such instances are not oi infrequent
occurrence in college life. An election
comes up; in a literary society it may he,
though not necessarily. Opposing fac
tions appear, and everyone is solicited by
the partisans to vote for this candidate or
that measure.
A student, after little or no considera
tion, plcdge-x his vote to one of them. A
partisan of the opposing fraction then ap.
pears, and presents his statement of the
case. Very likeh the person now wishes
lie were not bound by his promise, so that
he could vote the other way.
Now a pledge of this kind should be
given, if at all, only after due confident
lion of both sides of a question. Other
wise, one exposes himself to the tempta
tion of breaking his promise, and so injur
ing his reputation and his moral chaiuc-ter