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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1878)
&n? , , NO. 0. kmtowai.s ii)8 m t A UOMMKKOIAL COUHSK. It is evidently the aim of ovory educu tlonnl institution supported by the the stnto to meet, so fur us possible, tho do. mauds of tier citizens. And us the var ious occupations of life niako their re spective lnlluences felt throughout tho state, it is hut justice, that their interests should he represented in tho halls of learning as woll as in tho halls of legisla tion. Imbued with this spirit of republi canism, nothing is more surprising to an intelligent student entering a University, than to llnil that every course of study is based upon some foreign lnngunge, either modern or ancient. True, language has become ton certain degree, the criterian of culture and thorough scholarship. But the truth nevertheless remains, that lan guage as a dialot is not thought; that one may muster a dozen languages, yet bo ut tcrly destitute of originality. Wo have sadly learnt that it takes something else besides language to disclose and develop the resources of a new state. Yet let it not be inferred that tho value of language as n study, or us an accomplishment is to bo underestimated. But it may be infer red that we do appreciate tho advan tages of practical knowledge, so essential to success in this commercial ago. Wliile trade and tratllc have become tho characteristics of the American people, while- in.stitui ions of learning are surround cd by the hum n commercial activity, it is but mockery to llnd within tho college it self, the meager facilities that are given to the study of commercial science. It is in deed surprising to find that the utilitarian spirit that pervades all American Indus f tries will allow the practical side of a csili zens education to be blotted out by tho ex clusive attention given to the theoretical. It has bei-n proveil too frequently that tho perpetuity of republicanism, depends up. on the practical knowledge that will on able the citizen to realize the responsibil ity that lests upon him. This is tho great aim of our system of free schools and lib eral education. When this lias bcun at. tained, then there should ho an opportuni. ty for assendlng higher. The former ho owes to his government ; tho latter to himself and society. Tho little attention that for thno past bus been devoted to tho University, per haps excuses it for tho peculiar courses of study that it now contains. Originating when tho state was very young, it lias la. bored under many disadvantages. Yet for the means that it has had its disposal, it lias accomplished more than could bo expected. But the growing interests of tho stale, now demand something more than a college of literature, science and art, and a college of agriculture; or at least these courses carried out in their full moaning. The commercial interests of every town and city, now demand an opportunity for gaining at least some knowlcgo that will prepare a student for tho banking house, the sulos-room and the counting-room. The young men who have already left tho University to pursue such studies, togath or with those who are about to leave for a similar purpose, indicate too plainly tho want at homo. Tho time has now come when " the pen is mightier than tho sword." When six well-trained book, keepers -could completely route tho wliolo Military company of tho University. If a thorough Commercial college can not now bo established in the University, certainly the more elementary brunches of this depaitment.can receive some atten tion, And even this would satisfy to a great extent, tho claims that tho commor. cial interests of tho state so justly do. inand. A WOKD TO OUR CONTMUUTOH8. Wo hear it remarked by some that the contributed columns of tho Student arc simply a receptacle for essays and ora. tions that have previously been delivered in public. Now, like honest fellows, wo freelv admit tho charge, but wish to clear ourselves of any blame that it may imply. J