HESPERIAN STUDENT. u, , 1 Kditous-in-ciukk, -AssooiatkEditou, I.OOAIj Editok, - Businkss Manaokk, EDITORS. - 0. E. Sthatton fc F. 0. Morton. Miss. Emma Pakks. Ohas. Maooon. Fhank I'akks. TKKMS OK SUIISCKITTION. 1 copy por college vear - $1.00. 1 " six months '. . . . 0.50. Single copy O.lo. KATKS OK ADVERTISING. 1 column oiio insertion . . 2 squares " " I it ii it 4.00. 1.00. .no. All Article for publication should be addreseod-Kdltor llEMrnniAN Studknt, State University. Lincoln. Nebraska. All subscriptions, and buslnesi. coiiuuunicationi, with the address, should lio sent to Khank 1'auks. Subscription), collected invariably in advance. Advertisements col lided monthly. A UKTKOSl'KCT. The Sttdknt Association lias just held its annual election, ami has seun tit to continue us in oi r present position. A valedictory, therefore, is not now in place, though we shall pcak of some of he matters that are considered as coming within its province. Just before our incumbency began, it was provided by the Association that there should afterward bo two cditors-in chief, instead of one as had previously been the case. After experiencing for ourselves the nature of the editorial work, we are not enthusiastic advocates for a re. peal of the aforesaid amendment. The editor of a college paper can hardly ex pect to have less elnss work to do than bis fellow student, nnd he cannot, there fore, allord to spend a very largo share of his leisure time in editorial work. Seldom, we think, will a student be found who can alone do the ontire edito. rial work of our paper, without detriment to his other duties To us, the work has been congenial and profitable. As to the success of the same, wo will leave our readers to judge for themselves. Some may have been ofl'emt. ed, but as what suits one doos notsuit all, and as an editor, like any ether mortal, Is liable to err, we hope our readers will overlook any transgressions that we have been guilty of, and continue to give the Studknt their full and free support. Had not the Association seen lit to ie- elect us, we would, in view ol the attach ment that has sprung up between us. though our joint labors and their weighty responsibilities, have suggested to that body, as a matter worthy of its most pro. found and thoughtful consideration, that one of the incoming editors be a lady; feeling sure that the partnership of such an editorial stall' would give place to a union that is far more enduring, inde structible and indissoluble. INCKNTIVKS TO OULTUKK. With every department of professional life crowded to its utmost capacity, the student of Germany is taught to prepare himself for a higher plane of action. And when he unserves that everv avenue to usefulness and influence in the lower rounds of life, is closed against him. then broad philosophical study becomes a pleasant rather than irksome duty. Step by step he approaches that distant goal, knowing well that witn the completion of his undertaking, his services will be eagerly demanded by society. But spread out before the American there lies a dif ferent field for action. A rapidly (level- aHe B BWfftefiiiS5irS