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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1878)
NO. 8. HKTiTQIOK AGAINST INFIPKMTY. m lion, is aimed nt. While ho would utterly demolish our religion, he would not frame another. Why should ho? The infidel does not go beyond mutter, force, ind law, and to venerate these, ho perceives, would be degrading. He does not recognize an intelligent spiritual being. There is ,thcn, no higher intelligence than man; there arc more potent forces, but they are not combined with intelligence. ITow it is possible for n man to advocate such views as, " Whatever of necessity exists knows no Creator," and, " When a law is once in operation it cannot be controlled," and similar onus, is beyond my comprehension. For we can readily see that necessity is only rohuivc, certain conditions being supposed. Let us illustrate It would be unnecessary to surround the globe with atmosphere, were there no life upon it to bo sustained. Carbon, moreover, would not be a necessary constituent of uir, were it not for the vegetable kingdom. Now according to this theory, oxygen mid nitronon have no creator because they exist of necessity, and the existence of plants and animals only make them in dispensable. Hence, taking this tenet in connection with our last derived conclu. sion, wo see Hint the conditions, causing their necessity, must have had a creator. Now if we acknowledge an active in tell'.gence as the creator of these laws, we cannot doubt that he can alter them at any time and for any purpose. It would be absurd to conceive of the frauicr as being unablo to all'ect any alteration. Whether this has ever occured or not is another question, and wo now come to consider the authority to which the Script ures are entitled. It is but fair to admit that they are entitled to at least the same respect and belief as any hook of like antiquity. If I have satisfactory evidence that a certain event took place, it is mere obstinacy to rojeel this evidence. And by satisfactory evidence must ho under, stood the testimony of a sufllcient num ber of witnesses, competent to discrimi mite between truth and falsity. If then this testimony can bo established, any moral obligation which the nature of it imposes must bo discharged. Now let us examine the Scriptures in this light. As to the number of persons alleging their genuineness nnd authenticity, tlicro is no question ; but were they qualified to decide in tills matter It is true that at first the Christian religion propagated it solf especially among the uneducated and the lowly. But was not all the learning ami wisdom of the day confined to the Pharisees and to the doctors of the law, ' and did they not do their utmost to sup press this creed? And yet, did it not spread liko fire, subduing nation after na tion? Moreover, was not the coming of Christ heralded? Prophecy, indeed, is a stumbling block to the infidel, especially as it bears upon Christ and his mission. Whatever may bo the explanation, the fact remains that events havo been fore told, whether by supernatural agency or not. I believe that inspiration had its source largely in tlio discerning faculty of the person supprscd to bo inspired. But testimony on this ground, oven, is worthy of acceptance. Somo occurrences, how ever, are recorded which no common shrewdness could have originated. The prediction of Christ's coming is ono of these. This prediction was evidently in. tended to gain for him tho recognition which ho deserved. And when ho actual ly performed thoso deeds which had boon foretold; when ho healed tho sick and raised tho dead, scoffers and doubters were silenced. Ho did not work upon tho credulity of tho ignorant or the faith of the simple; but his deeds were performed in the presence of many witnesses; his fame went over the whole land, and many zealous lovers of tho truth, wo doubt not, examined his works. A few words in regard to the propaga. gation of his doctrines. His principles, in imbuing the minds of mankind, had to overcome many passions and much self-Iovc. No reward was offered except