N0.8. LOCAIi NEWS. 477 LOCAL NEWS. Isn't it about time for another contest to " knock oil'" that tie? Our foreman, Mr. E. E. Whitmore, has the thanks of the entire Hespkiuax corps, for the neat ami orderly manner in which he keeps our office. Page Brown has returned to his home in Bloomiugton, Ills. We regret his ab sence as he was a good student, and "hail fellow well meet" with us all. The Little Store on 11th street, is get ting a reputation for selling Hosiery, Cor sets, Ruchings, etc., very cheap. Good goods and low prices are sure to win. One of tiie young ladies says, there is one thing she likes about a certain new student, and that is he don't have to keep feeling of his mustache to see if it is there. Our military boys have been parad ing the streets and presented quite an iin. posing appearance. They are now open for invitations to attend and take part in public demonstrations At a special meeting of the Ilesperian Association, D. II. Mercer was elected Secretary, and Miles, Vice President, to fill vacancies caused by the absence of S. P. Plait, and Miss Hawley. We hear rumors of a recent revolt in the cadet company. "We trust the young gentlemen of that organization are suffi ciently well aware of the dignity and du ty ot their position, as to enable them to preserve the one and perform the other. A laughable sight occurred on O street last evening. The colored boot black, Bob, marshaled about twenty-five of the white hoodlums of the city up and down the street in military style. The little fellows had observed the University Cadets marching the day before, and thought they would imitate them. Daily Journal. We understand that Charles Dake has been recently married. "One more unfortunate, Weary of life, Hastily importunate, Got him a wife." Our devil says " that when two girls meet they kiss, and when two boys meet they don't, and that shows who wants kissing the worst." But our reviewer says that the reason girls kiss each other and boys don't, is because boys have something better to kiss and girls havu't." The Sophomore class have completed their organization, by adopting a consti tution and elected the following officers: E. P. Unangst, President; Minnie Wil liams, Vice President; E. T. Montgomery Secretary; B. C. Arnold, Treasurer; L. Foslcr, HiFtorian, May Fairfield, Essay ist; J. C. F. McKesson, Poet; J. H. Silver nail, Orator. Frank Parks, Manager. One of our young gentlemen spent a good deal of time at the social the other evening, in trying to persuade the most popular-youug-lady in school, that the de sign of a plough, oil a medal that Chanc. Fairfield has, was a grasshopper. After listening with patience some little time, the m-p-y-1 remarked, with becoming dig nity, "young man I've studied Mineralogy to long to be fooled in that way." Next. Prof. Aughey receutly delivered a lect ure in Des Moines on the "Geology op Nebraska." This is one of the Profes sor's best lectures and wherever deliv ered meets with encomiums from press and public. Why can't we have it deliv ered here? The subject is of interest to all students in general and to us in partic ular, and we doubt if a half a dozen of the students attending Umb term ever heard it. The weeks roll on bringing with it the inevitable growth of social intercourse that plays such an important part in col lege life, and brings forth the foibles of the verdant Preps., the conceit of the Freshs., the unblushing egotism of the