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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1878)
No. 8. INDIVIDUALITY. prohcnsive and more cultured Now truths will continually burst upon our minds, and thus we shall lose our self importance, and be better prepared to im part truth and knowledge to those around us and feel happy in the thought that we arc not travelling in this vale of tears to no purpose. If we are preparing for a higher, purer and holier region, let us press onwaid. "When wo know and feel the advance ments that have been made, new emotions arise and spring up within us, and wo are enabled to pursue our course with pleas ure and usefulness through this life. Nor will our progress stop here, but I appre hend throughout ull the ages of eternity, we shall advance, and thus we shall be con. tinually reminded of the transcendent power and wisdom of him who has croa ted our immortal minds ami enstamped upon them this law of eternal progress. Ncvor glvo up, 'tis the secret of glory Nothing ho wise can philosophers tench, Think on the nnmes thnt are famous In vtory, Never give up, la the doctrine they tench. M. INDIVIDUALITY. An individuality whose chief character, istics shall be independence of thought, freedom of action and boldness of pur pose, strongly marked by originality is one of the great wants of the times. In this mechanical ago with all the wisdom of past centuries at our com mand, even while taking into considcra tion the rapid progress which in many respects the world is making, there is a lamentable lack of that originality which should characterize every individual, n There seeniB to bo a certain mould form ed by a fow leading minds and every one strives to imitate its cast. This produces a uniformity winch Is in every way ob. jectionablc. Every opinion and thought is carefully reechoed. Each path cut by the persevering fow who have gone before is trodden down into ono continuous series ofrutu. Here and there along the high. way a narrow foot-path branches oil', tcsti fying to the fearlessness and independence of its maker. But for the great majority, only the countless fool-prints in (lie old well beaten path i cumin to mark their progi ess. So few aro independent enough to examine for themselves diller ent roads, to bridge their own ravines and cut down the underbrush that may hedge their path ways. Remembering that in Shakespeares Julius Caesar, he makes one of the conspirators say of Cicoio, that "he will never follow anything that other men begin," one is tempted to think that the Romans were more independent than Americans, for this epithet could be ap plied to a few of Columbia's citizens. Independence in any form and fearless ness, which is neither recklessness nor hardihood, is rarely to bo found. Plain, straight forward thought and action, turn ing neither to the right nor to the left, guided by a strong will, which takes no account of obstacles, except to over-come them, does not often exist, even in our boasted days of free thought and inde pendent action. If men would only re member that not to be independent is to he enslaved, that not to bo fearless is to be cowardly, that ho who docs not govern is himself governed, if not the master he is tlio servant, then would it seem that nut ural tendencies should lead to universal freedom. Hut minds and wills are not so strong and powerful as they are often said to be, it takes abundant courage to bo in dependent, and until some great occasion calls forth all the dormant energies and en ervated bravery wo aro proveroially cow ardly. Few aro the Maoboths of the UHh century who can trulj say, " I daro do all thai may become a man." Alice Carey's advico " do what thou doest with thy might and trust thyself alone," brings lbrwaid this same idea of independent originality. Ono of the reasons why this is M) rare a characteristic is because al. most every ono has some example peipot ually before their eyes, some ideal which ever seems to exercise an almost omuipo- t-rf 4i