Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1878, Image 1
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. -xr.Oxfr- Qut non l'ronolt, Dollcit. -ukQub VOL. VII. OCTOBER, 1878. no. 7. STAliS AND MEN. "God's wheeling heaven" has ever been fraught with the most intense interest to all mankind. The rude, untutored child of the forest gazes into its inlluilc depths, and is awed and enraptured, and for the moment civilized. Wise men, of all ages, have spent their lives in discerning the face of the skj. It lias inspired the grandest and most bountiful songs ever sung by poet. And the little babo in its mother's arms is hushed to sleep by this quaint old lulla by, " Sloop, baby sloop, The largo star tiro the nhocp, The llttlf one are the lambs I guoss, And tlio groat round moon Is the ghophordoss, Sloop baby sloop." Whether wc study the sky by day or b' night, wc Hud in it that which interests us intensely. The light of day reveals to us the ever changing forms of the llcccy, billowy clouds that stand out in bold re. lief against the deep blue of the distant sky. The fa .led and broken moon that lias lingered after the morning light has dawned, drifts among their lofty forms like a wrecked ami deserted ship that is giadually sinking and losing in the sea of light that is Hooding half the world. Or us a huge pupa case from which the 1 light and life, gold and glory have depart ed. Wo marvel at the course of the sun, day after day, year after year, age after age, the same old journey. By night, the sky presents an entirely dlfl'erent aspect. Then the myriads of twinkling stars, like gleaming tapers held by angels' hands, dot the darkness that envelops every thin;-. And of all the. hosts that whirl in space, none so interest men as do the stars. There is a bond of sympathy and similarity between him and them that exists between man and none other of the celestial bodies. We can liken men to stars for there is a re semblance between them. We cannot liken men to the sun or to the moon ; to liken him to the former would not beap propriate; to liken him to the latter would not be complimentary even if it were ap propriate. Tho moon is too solitary and sad, or else too cold and proud. Sometimes we sec her afar oil in the deep blue vault of heaven, trying like a banished and hunted queen to hide from her pursuers behind the giant chains of the cragged cloud mountains. But even thoy cannot hi.do her glory for it rifts from between their lofty forms as she moves in her grandeur among them. Again she is nearer to us but is so cold and proud we feel awed by her majesty. ju- -JJ1WW- .ww " i ii mui imlmKmmmm m 1 1 I I