No. 0. A. IMCTUKE AND A TIIOUOHT. 407 livelihood in any other way. The employ cr should bo in a certain seusc the father of all his employes. lie holds a power in his hands and has the right to wield it justly. He should make the interests of his employes his own interests, and pay them as liberally as his own circumstan ces and their services will permit. The employe, on the other hand, should con sidcr the interests of the employer as af feeling his own, and should endeavor to advance them as he would his own a Hairs. The employe cannot justly complain because his employer receives his hun dreds in a day while he can earn only his dollar, nor yet because his master lives in a manison while he lives in a cot. All men cannot live in palaces like Dives and fair sumptuously every day, for agricult ure, art and science will not support such wide-spread luxury. Some men must be contented with a little, if others are to have abundance. Neither do I believe, as some pseudo-philosophers have main tained as a matter of justice, that prop erty should be more equalized than it is now. If property were equalized, some branches of business would suffer for want of a sufficiently centralized money power. In feudal times a community without a chief would have been short lived, because power by becoming scat tered would have become ineffective. The same is true io a certain extent to da. A dozen men might perhaps do bus iness with the same capital as one man, but the effect would be about the same as though a dozen commanders-in-chief were at the head of an army, while, the employes of the dozen men would be less carefully looked after than as though they were in the employ of one man. So I think that the relation between labor and capita is just about as it can be, if it is not always just as it thould be, and like society itself, it must be self adjusting and can be brought under rules and reg ulations only in a limited degree. But there is a tendency among Amer ican people to cry equality of wealth aud social position, as well as equality of rights and privileges. We have said so often that "all men are created equal" that we begin to half believe the bombas tic assertion, and to live up to the doctrine. The employe too often thinks himself on an equality with his employer, and would dictate his terms rather than be dic tated to. "We have seen this increasing tendency illustrated on a large scale in the late strikes of railroad employes and other working men. It is nonsense to suppose that all men are created equal, either intellectually or soci ally, and that feeliug of independence so characteristic of the American, like the liberty and free constitutions which he enjoys, has its serious disadvantages as well as its advantages. It greatly in jnres that sort of family feeling which unites master and servant in countries where wealth and power arc centralized and kept intact by the right of primogen iture. In this country the motto for ac lion is, " Every man must look out lor himself." Whether poor man, sick man or beggar, he must earn his daily bread or starve, as there is no proprieter for whom his father and his grand-father before him have labored, to look after him with any soi t of paternal care. The man of bus iness bustles past him with his head erect, as much as to say " I've made 1113' mark in the world by my own efforts, go thou and do likewise," and is rather disposed to sneer at the man in straightened circum stances than to pity or help him. What is the result of such a feeling in society? It is just this: Our men of wealth aud position become selfish and between them and their employes there springs up a sort of antagonism. The one class want all the work they can uet out of men for the least amount of money, and the other class want all the money they can get for the least amount of work. The man who is unfortunate, must, like everybody else, look out for himself, and, as Shake speare says: " If he full hi. good night, or fink or swim." UlllKL.