Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1878, Page 426, Image 26

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Vol. vii
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willingness to assist each other up the
rugged hill of human aspirations. AC
tor the address of welcome, according to
an agreement made an the day of gradua
tion, a golden cup was presented to
J. S. Dales by his fellow graduate, "Win.
II. Snell. Toasts were now in order, and
F. P. Hurd toasted over the class of '7-1 ;
after which Wayland Bailey dilated up
on "The Faculty." Then the Alumni
were set forth by W. Stevenson. A very
pleasing featuro of the evening was the
response to the toast "The students pro
gress," by MissMollio Carter and the hap.
py manner in which she treated the sub
ject brought forth loud applause. Mr. A.
0. Piatt toasted the Alumniu. Mr. F. M.
Lamberlon, "Alma Mater." Mr. II. II.
Wilson, " Oratory." Mr. E. P. Holmes,
"The class of '78." Miss Alice Frost,
"The class of '70 and Mr. W. P. Ithodcs,
commencement. After some social enjoy,
ment and a general good time they wend
ed their way homeward in the wee sinii'
hours of the night, the llrst Alumni sup
per being voted a complete success by all.
Pam.aiman KximuTiOK The seventh
annual exhibition of the Palladian Socle
ty was held in the Opera House on Mon
day evening, June 10th. The audience
was very large, and it gathered at an early
hour. The exercises opened with a line
iustrumi'lilal duet by Misses Wilson and
null", and this was followed by an invoca
finm Rev. Wc'lcr of this city. The salu
tatory, by S. P. Piatt was a short and neat
speech, anil delivered in a Hue manner.
Mr. Piatt has a good voice, and there was
lio dilliculty In hem ing every word he said.
Mr. JJ. J I. Culver followed with an oration
on the "Problem ol Civilization " It was
a line production and showed much origi
nality and thought in its composition.
The speaker had a good delivery, but his
position on the stage was rather still'. Miss
Mary C. Damrow then recited "The Polish
Boy" in a very creditable manner. Her
rendition was very distinct. After a solo
by Col. Alford, Miss Cora 15. Hardy road
an essay entitled "To-day." It showed in
a rapid glance tho achievements of our
time, and tho superiority of tho present
over tho past. The question, "Whether
education in the United StatcB should be
compulsory" was debated by Miss Anna
It. Sohuckman and Mr. J. II. Worley.
The lady on tho alllrmitivo made an able
argument, holding thai tho public welfare
requires universal education, and that
when parents are iudillcrcnt, clllcicnt
means should be taken to secure this cud.
The great o.t"nt of illiteracy in our coun
try justities the employment of compul
sion. Mr. Worley made a strong and of.
fective reply. Ho would fully admit the
danger of illiteracy, but held thai com
pulsion is a questionable means toward its
prevention. Tho speaker's delivery was
good, but his production was not fully
committed. Mr. I). II. Mercer followed
with an oration on "Tho two Elements."
These are education and religion. Tho
lack of thoroughness which prevails in
education, and the struggles of religion
were discussed. The valedictory was de
livered by Mr. J. C. F. McKesson who ac
quitted himself admirably. The exercis
es were interspersed with several pieces
of music, and at the close a quartette,
composed of Messrs. Jones and Alford.
and Mioses Sessions and Gerraus, ren
dered the beautiful song, " Silence." The
exhibition was very creditable to the so
ciety and it had the great recommenda
lion of opening at an early hour and be
ing short.
Tuksday evening,.! tuiu 11th, one of the
linest audiences greeted the second an
nual exhibition of the Union Society,
which ever absumbled in the chapel.
The exercises were opened by an instru.
mental tolo, by Miss Floioiice lirooks
rendered in a very line manner. The
Hulogium of Frank 1$. Hall was replete
with many good lessons from the life of
such a man as Agassi.. His delivery
was good and with time and attention he
will make no moan llguru before any au
dience. Theessayist, Miss MoPufl', spoko
of the " Little Things" of life, and as we