,5?-! NO. 0. LooAii News. 125 'MBBK3 This repairing of II. L. Wilcox, on O bet. 12 and V,i Sis. is of a superior quality. "What shall wo do with our boys? Sond them to English for your groceries and sich. The typos of the Student ofllco olfoi thanks to Mr. McLean for some delicious icecream. "We understand that the addition to the Commercial is for the accomodation, next year, of those students engaged in map peddling. The following arc tho names of the newly elected ollicers of the University Union: II. W. llarington, Jessie Parker, Emma Parks, Birdie McDuff, Cora Thomas, "W. P. Sullivan, G. II. Simmons. President. Vice President. Secretary. Cor. Secretary. Critic. Treasurer. Seargoant-nt-arins. On Tuesday morning tho students met hi the chapel for the last time to hear the results of examinations of which some were encouraging and some not. Regents Fitlokl and Holmes were present and ad dressed tho students. Regent Filiold spoke to them concerning the government of tho University, refening to the late dissatisfaction in the military department, lie thinks so long as tho Regents stand at tho head of tho institution U103' must see that the rules aic enforced, and when the legislature thinks bobt to place the gov eminent in the hands of the students dents they will willingly step down and out. His remarks were received with much applause by the students. Hegent Holmes also spoke on the same subject. In the afternoon the cadets assembled on tho campus in presence of the Kegonts and a largo assembly of people gathered to witness their last parade. Lieut. Dud ley, assisted by his able corps of oHloois, very plainly showed that thoy had not been drilling, these mouths, for naught. After successfully executing several move. meiiLa in tho manual of arms, squad and company drill, they had a miniature skir misli battle witli blank cartridges. Ok tho evening of May 29th ex-Chan, cellor Benton lectured in tho Opera llouso for tho beneilt of tho IIesi'Eman Stu dent. His subject, "The American OilL zon," was handled in an interesting and instructive manner. For an hour and a quarter the Chancellor held the close at tention of the audience. He held that the division of the world into nations is wise and necessary. He dwelt on the vast resources of our country, tho enterprise of the Anglo-Saxon people and the diffusion of wealth which prevails in our midst. Antagonistic factions are necessary to a vigorus national existence, yet, thorough nationality must be maintained. The greatest danger to our country is not, as some have thought, the barbaric feature of western immigration, but is found in communism and corporations. Tho study of foreign tongues should not be an essential part of common school Instruc tion. The vital question is whether re ligion and Sunday observances need give place to liberty and progress. Faith, freedom and fraternity should be tho motto of the American citizen. At the close of the lecture a portrait of tho Chan, cellor, tho gift of the students, was pre seated to him by Mr. McKesson. Tho lecture was not so well attended as it should have been, and those not present missed a rare treat. Akteh tho exhibition of the Union So cicty, on Tuesday eve, the Seniors and Alumni met at the Commercial Hotel for the purpose of having a social time, sup per, etc. J. S. Dales with his usual llowery and well chosen language deliv ered the addiess of welcome. The Al umni and those who were to deliver thoir graduating orations tho next morning were now seemingly bound together by the strong bonds of kindred. Having is sued from the same Alma Mater, each striking for his ideal of successful life they now signify by this meeting their )!P 7rj jvJwrT-wry? 4 1 H J 1 T" MJHjW Brf: