Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1878, Page 422, Image 22

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4 2
Editor's TaimjK.
Voii. vii
1 I
I 'I
tliut capital was opposed to labor, and no
mutter how anxious a man was to work,
capital would mako no concession, lie
wanted work himself, he said, and once
lie had thought of giving up, but now
his wife was able to take in washing, and
lie never would yield. He intended to say
more, but he was obliged to go oil' to at
tend a ball mutch.
I stood upon tliu ocean's briny shore,
And with a fragile rued I wroto upon tho sand
"Agnes, I love thee!"
The mud wnvots rolled by, and blotted out
The fair impression.
Frail reed I Cruel wave! Tieaeherous sundl
I'll trust yo no moru;
Hut with a giant hand Til pluck
From Norway's frozen shore
Her tallest pine, and dip Its tip
Into tho crater of Vesuvius: writo
And upon the high and burnished heaven I'l
"Agnes, I love thee!"
And I would like to see any
Dog-goned wave wash that out.
In Cornell library no works of fiction
arc to be found.
Dr. Galusha Anderson lias been elected
to tlte Presidency of Chicago University.
There are ten ladies in tho regular Col
lege classes of Colby University, Maine.
The Weslcyan Female College of Cin.
cinnatti lias suspeuded, having become
The Boston University Law School has
requested Col. Ingersoll to deliver the
annual address.
Many of the proleasors of Notre Dame
University hold sinecure positions under
the government.
In the State Normal School at Oshkosh,
the young ladies are required to learn the
elements of military drill.
Princeton Theological seminary recent
ly graduated some thirty ministers, and
Columbia lias afllcted the world witli
nearly two hundred verdant sprigs of tho
Harvard's summer school of geology is
to be held in connection witli the Held
work of tho Kentucky geological survey,
affording practico on tho problems of ge
ology accessible between the Misssissippl
river ami the Appalachian mountains.
Lit. Notes.
The Illinois Supreme Court has docid.
cd that parents may determine what
brandies their children shall study in
public schools. That is one of the ncccs
sary defences against pressing the graded
system beyond reason. A judicious
board saves the resorting to courts of law.
Lit. Notes.
The seniors that go to college this year
from the two famous Phillips Academies
have preferences as here shown: From
Phillips Exeter, 2(1 are tor Harvard, 3 for
Yale, 2 for Princeton, 2 for Dartmouth,
from Phillips Andover, 14 are for Yale, (J
for Havard, C for Amherst, 1 each for
Brown, Princeton, Dartmouth, and Bow
doin. They intend to iiutilutc anew honor or
oration for commencement at Brown, to
be known by the mcllilluous name " His
torico Psychical," tho delivery of which
is to be bestowed upon that senior who
has manifested tho greatest interest in the
study of history and psychology. Tho
juniors bury English literature at Brown.
At the ceremony olllciato a chief-inarsli-al,
a chaplain, a poet and an orator.
Orders have been issued forbidding the
bakers and pastry cooks of Paris burning
in their ovens wood which has been paint
ed or impregnated witli any metallic salts,
as it is believed that articles of food may
bo rendered deleterioiiH through such In
tent agency.
An Invention providing tho motive-power
of a sowing-machine in a coil of strong
springs has been perfected in Vienna.
The Hpeed of running the muchino can bo