Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1878, Page 402, Image 2

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Vol. vii.
self; for ho could make so many sad
hearts ghul, so many homes pleasant, ami
glvo ro much happlnes to those around
him in need, if ho would but do so. And
ho shonld do so, for ono of the highest
duties, ono man owes to another, is to
mako him happy, if it is in his power.
It may bo urged that if ono man is
more prosperous than another, lie is so
from caro and frugality, and hence 1ms
tho right to enjoy the fruits of his own la
bors for his own pleasuro in any way ho
pleases. Hut there arc serious objections
to this. Ono man is placed in favorable
circumstances; ho is blessed with health
and strength; while another seems to be
but the mark at which nature hurls all
her bolts of disease and misfortune.
Shall the one blessed with plenty leave
tho other to his fate ! No : humanity says
that of his plenty he shall give a little,
and, indeed, in so doing, ho increases his
own happiness as well as his neighbor's.
There is another class, however, who up.
parcntly have no right to usk help from
any one. They arc the improvident and
the dissolute. If these classes coula be
separated from tho others, if they alone
had to suffer for their folly and wick
edness, it miht, perhaps, be well to let
them take tho consequences of their own
acts But the facts are that while ono
such would have to sutler l)y such a cause,
many who are not responsible for their
condition, would have to endure the lot
When a person has enough of every
tiling to supply all his necessary wants, to
add more and introduce the luxuries of
life does not increase his happiness, but
on tho contrary rather detracts from it
just as a satiety of any tiling else has a
tendency to produce indifference and in
many cases even a loathing.
Just where to draw tho lino between
luxury and a competency is somewhat
difficult, but I think it should be where
money would cease to add to the comfort
and happiness of its possessor. Wherever
it may be drawn, it is right that the sav-
ing and Industrious man should have
more of the comforts of lit'o than tho im
provident; for while man is placed hero
to do good, and make his fellow man hap
py, it is also true that eacli man, to a
certain degree, is responsible for his con
dition. Hence if lie will not take the
means to surround himself with the com
forts of life, ho must take the consequen
ces. Finally, whatever a man ought to do, ho
has the right to do; and whatever he
ought not to do, he has no right to do:
hence, as a man ought to help, in some
way, the needy, and ought not to hoard up
for his own desires alone, he ha not the
right to use luxuries till those in want
around him are provided for.
"To htm who in tho lovo of nnturo hold
Communion with her visible form,
Shu Bponkn
A various language; Tor IiIh gayur Iiuum
Shu hn n volco of gladuuns, and a Hindu,
And clotjuunco of buauty; and ho IUIom
Into Ills dark muslngn with a mild
And gentlu sympathy , thnt Htualn away
Tholr BharnncHR cro ho Ih aware."
Human nature is beautifully proto
typed in the development of foliage. The
early, tender buds, nursed into existence
by genial sun and gentlo shower, shyly,
timorously advance,' and grow firm by
exposure to the elements around.
Dovelopcd at last into refreshing leaves,
they rollic and rustle on tho parent bough
from which they derive life. The tree, in
turn, enjoys sweet protection from its
frail ollsprings, tho leaves, until crowded
off, their mission fulfilled, they cosily nes
tle around its roots one by one.
Although there is an allotted time when
they must all retire to a hidden life, they
by no means follow tho samo law of do
parture. Somo more delicate or earlier
matured than others, their mission being
sooner fulfilled, lose their grasp and la-