Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1878, Page 419, Image 19

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No. (J.
Editoh'h TaWjK.
establishment of a medical College was
received, placed on file, and rcfurred to
the Executive Committee Tlie committee
reported that no rooms in the University
can now bo spared for this purpose.
Ordered that hereafter the Chancellor
collect and disburse the matriculation and
term fees.
On ballot Prof. Hitchcock was elected
Dean of the Faculty for the ensuing
After voting several appropriations the
Hoard adjourned, sine die.
The past college year has, on the whole,
been a prosperous one with us, though its
opening was delayed by the repairs on
the University building last fall. It has
been otherwise reduced by the plan
adopted of making the spring term ten
weeks long, instead of twelve as formerly.
Little, if anything, we apprehend, will be
lost by this reduction, as the period in
question, coming as it docs in the hot
season, after nine months of steady appli
cation, is the most unfavorable time of
year for study.
The Regents have been compelled to re
trench somewhat in their financial ar
rangements for tlie University in the
coming year, and have thus been forced
to dispense with the services of one prof
essor and to reduce the stiliuU's of several
others. Measures have also been taken
toward providing the students with cheap
er accommodations for boarding. All ef
forts to this end will, wo think, bo amply
repaid, since there are many who would
be glad to attend the University, but
are unable to hire their board at the usu
nl rates and unwilling to board themselves.
There is now a vacation of three
months before us, and we hope that those
students with literary proclivities will
appropriate a small Iraction of this lime
in " Jhiuking up" a few contributions for
tho Studknt. It takes time and care to
make out a good article, and to write one
at the behest of tho insatiable typo 13 a
condition not the most favorable. So wo
invite all, whether engaged in winning an
immense fortune by map peddling or not,
to assist us.
Tho Vidette, of the Northwestern Uni
versity, Evanston 111., is not what wo
would call a 3iicccss among college pub
lications, nor docs it even approach to.
wards success. There are no literary pro.
dilutions from the students, and but ono
article that is worthy tho namoof edito
rial. In this there is some merit and abil
ity shown by one who eagerly protests
against the withdrawal of tho Northwest
em University from tlie I. C. L. A. From
this article alone have wo boon able to
judge anything of tho students of tho
University, and the impression is surely
not 11 very favorable ono, for he says:
" There is nothing more to bo deplored,
or which makes us more insignificant in
the eyes of other collego s'udonts than
tho lack of collego spirit among us. Our
debating societies meet and adjourn will;,
out exercises; our gymnasium is closed;
the dust on tho bowling alley is never
disturbed ; tho base-ball expenses aro still
unpaid; tlie cspvit-du-corj)8, which marks
other college students, seems to be entire
ly foreign to Northwestern University."
This is truly 11 deplorable state of alltiirs,
and tlie sooner remedied tho better for all
concerned. The students do not soem to
take much interest in their paper, olso it
would certainly present a moro flourish
ing appearance than it now docs.
Tho exponent of tlie Alabama Univer
sity gives us thirty-seven pages of read
ing matter, tlie increase being duo to tho
consolidation of the April and May num.
hers. It is a very sleepy affair all through
011 account of the great length of all tho
articles. Some ono has inflicted himsolf