tfo. n. EnrTonrAT. 4n that Iris preference fa for the teacher's profession, AfOMiIB A. C.WLTKR, ft resident of Mncoin, entered the Univer sity In the Kn.ll term of 1871, haring pre viously attended the High School of Ibis city. MIm Carter and Mr. Rhodes are tin: lat " charter members" of our school. She fa eighteen years of age, of leas than ufltial ai.i!, light-haired anil blue-cyedi Quirt and unassuming in appcarnncc, alio has attended well to her studios, of which tli'i langnagea seem the onen in which alio is moat proficient. She entered in the first preparatory year, and graduates in the scientific courae. For a year or more mat Mian Carter has been a mem ber of the University Union. HlMVAIlD P. Holmes of Nebraska City, entered the first pre paratory year of our school in the sec ond term of the first year. He is the first graduate In the literary course. Ed. Is nineteen years of age, of rather less than average bight, is sparely built, brown haired and grey eyed. He has been an active member of the Palladian society having twice filled the ofllce of Presi dent. In the wellfare of Tins Student be has also taken an exemplary interest, and has In succession been local, and ed. llor-in-chicf. He will be greatly missed, especially in the society of which he has so long been a member. Respecting the career he intends to follow we are not fully Informed, but would infer thai his preference is for the law. We bespeak for him a promising career. Al.KUKI) 0. I'IjATT entered the Sophomore class of the clas sical course in the winter term of '7(1. He is now a resident of Lincoln, but had pre. vloiisly attended the Iowa University. Mr. l'lalt is twonty.thrce years old, of about average bight, rather spare, and has Muck eyes and black, curly hair. He is of an active, lively nature, and wherever found, bus been a lender in the enterprises of the students. He has been a promi. ueut member of the University Union and president of the Hespfria Student Association. He has been a diligent and thorough student. His chosen profession, we understand, is that of the law. Wei.mnoton P. Rhodes entered the University at its opening in the Fall term of 71. He graduates in the classical course which he began in the first preparatory year. He has boon a careful studerJ, as weli as an active and faithful member of the University Union. -Mr. Rhodes is twenty-one years of age, of about average bight and size, and has dark hair and eyes. He is social and un assuming in manner and wins the respect and esteem of all who know him. We are informed that he intends to teach for a time, after which he will study lor the ministry. We anticipate from his past record a useful career in the calling be has chosen. Florence L. Vaugiian, of Falls Cjty, entered the Sophomore class of the scientific course in the Fall of '75 and has pursued her studies uninterrupt edly since Unit time. In stature, she is below She average, and is light-complex-ioned, light-haired, and blue-eyed. Rath er quiet and retiring in manner, she has not taken an active part in society work, though of late an honorary member of the Univcnily Union. In her studies she has held an enviable rank. With a high degree of excellence in the sciences, she has also developed an aptitude lor literary studies. Henry II. Wilson, of Ashland, began his attendance at the University in its second year. lie is of average bight and heavily liuilt, witli a full face and rather a florid complexion. He completes the Latin Scientific course, and by his own eflorts lias made his way through college. This has necessitated his absenco from school for several terms. Mr. Wilson lias boon a leading member of the University Union, and lias served with great credit as editor-in-chief of the Student. It is his intention, wo believe to follow teaching for a time, and then to m' iKmili,,n,..Td)AiJm' .l -,,L.. ... ,., ,.,,'Aa. ., n.rfntri.i .lL